Mosocho, Kenya
57% repaid
Member since
March 2016
On-time repayments
245 installments • 62%
I Edward Mandi was born in Kisii County some 50 years ago in a family of seven, i went to school up to standard eight and then joined craft centre where i trained as Radio and Television technician.
i was employed i saved some money which i used to open my current business in Radio and Television repair.
the land where i live is fertile even though is small is a good land for cultivation.
One wants to be electrical /electronics engineering , another want to be an agricultural extensional officer, another one wants to be a social worker.
my hobby is electronics and learning more about poultry farming.
I own Radio and Television repair workshop in Kisii County within Kisii Town.
Due to long experience in this work i have a lot of customers.
I like this type of work since my childhood, So i decide to train as a Radio and Television Technician.
I pay for the working place Kshs. 5000 per month/Kshs.1500 for electricity bill, Kshs. 3000 for traveling expenses, then i can make approximately between 50,000 and 80,000 per month.
I use my income profit to pay school fee for my children and other needs for the family, i also invest other money in growing my business, e.g i have small poultry farm.
i will use the money as follows, half of it i will buy new spare parts for use in my radio and television repair workshop. another half i will add to my poultry farm. in the poultry farm i will some equipment s like drinkers;feeders,and add feeds.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 12, 2019
Repayment status
Projected term
25 months
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Mary Nov 20, 2017
Edward Nov 28, 2017