Ane Amelia
Bekasi, Indonesia
100% repaid
Ane Amelia
Member since
September 2017
On-time repayments
25 installments • 88%
hallo nama sy ane amelia ,, i am hard worker type org, sya ibu dr 1 orng anak ,, my hobby is shopping ,, cita "anak mw just dy jd orng yg menghlati both old orng ,, difficulty difficulty skali mendpt work pdhal sy graduates d3 ,, i just hope to krja to be able to support the needs of children and not depend on sm husband ,, i have a business online shop who has been running hmpir 4thn tp not trlalu focused krna ada anak ,, please to help each other ,, thx
I have an online business shop clothes, the shoes are already walking skitar 4thn ,, I need bigger loan for my business needs for more purchases and profits. I started a new business chocolate sy btuh bigger loan. thank you
to register a beauty business to make a new member sy I offer the surrounding environment
Show original Bahasa Indonesia
hallo nama sy ane amelia,, saya tipe orng pekerja keras, sya ibu dr 1 orng anak,, hobi saya shopping,, cita" anak cuma mw dy jd orng yg berguna menghlati kedua orng tua,, kesulitan susah skali mendpt kerjaan pdhal sy lulusan d3,, saya cuma berharap bisa krja agar dpt menghidupi kebutuhan anak dan tak tergantung sm suami,, saya punya usaha online shop yg sudah berjalan hmpir 4thn tp tak trlalu difokuskan krna ada anak,, mohon untuk bisa saling membantu,, thx
saya mempunyai usaha online shop baju,sepatu sudah berjalan skitar 4thn,, saya butuh pinjaman lebih besar untuk keperluan usaha saya agar lebih banyak pembelian dan keuntungan. saya memulai usaha baru coklat sy btuh pinjaman lebih besar. Terima kasih
untuk mendaftar usaha kecantikan menjadikan sy member baru saya tawarkan kelingkungan sekitar
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 14, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
2 months
Other loans
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