Sewing machine and display case for my tailoring shop

Neli Nur

Taluk Kuantan, Indonesia

100% repaid



Neli Nur

Member since

September 2014

On-time repayments

108 installments  •  28%

About Me

My name is Neli Nurazizah. I am 24 years old. I am married and have one son. I live in my own house together with my husband and my boy. We live in a Sumberdatar village, quite a modern village. In this village, most of the residents are working as farmer in palm oil and rubber plantations. My husband is one of them, working in a plantation, while also helping me selling clothes and batik. I am selling and tailoring clothes or any other garment materials, since I have the skill and expertise which I learned from my school days. I used to participate in the sewing club, a hobby which I enjoy and practice until now. Thanks.

My Business

I have been running a business of sewing and tailoring clothes for adults and children. I learned how to sew in my school days, because I always participated in a sewing club back in my school. From that moment on, I started to focus on my knowledge in sewing and tailoring clothes and other garment materials. This kind of business is very rare in the area where I live. There are only a few shops that provides similar service as mine, some tailors only men's clothes while others tailor only women's clothes. Therefore, I believe that if I put a lot of focus in this business, this business will do very well and will get a lot of customers. In addition to my tailoring service, I am also running a small clothing store in my house. Most of my tailored clothes are sold in this store and also through social media via internet (online marketing). My expense is around $90 every month. This expense is used to buy the garments, yarns, threads, and to pay for the electricity. From that amount, I usually can earn approximately $75 per month. This business has a lot of potential to be bigger. I can increase my capacity to produce if my working capital is sufficient. For this reason, I would like to request a loan to expand my business.

Loan Proposal

I would like to thank all the lenders for the opportunity and the loan that was given to me to expand my current business, tailoring of clothes and other garment materials.

I am planning to use the loan proceeds for the following activities:
1. Buying more garments for men's and women's clothes
2. Buying a sewing machine to increase the quality of my products
3. Buying a show case / shelf to store the materials and the clothes to keep them clean and tidy

I am committed to repay the loan in time. I hope that my loan request can be granted by the lenders.


Neli Nurazizah

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya adalah Neli nur azizah Umur saya 24Thn setatus saya sudah menikah dan mempunyai seorang anak laki - laki saya tinggal di rumah pribadi bersama suami dan anak saya. kami tinggal di sebuah desa yang sudah cukup maju tepatnya sumberdatar. disini hampir penduduknya ber provesi sebagi petani perkebunan kelapa sawit dan karet. suami saya pun ber profesi sebagai petani kelapa sawit dan juga membantu saya dalam berdagang pakaian. karena saya berprofesi sebagai pedagang sekaligus penjahit pakaian jadi maupun bahan. karena saya mempunyai keahlian dalam menjahit waktu masih duduk di bangku sekolah. saya sering mengikuti kegiatan ektrakulikuler menjahit sampai menjadi profesi sampai sekarang ini. itulah sekilas dari perkenalan diri saya.

My Business

usha yang saya jalani selama beberapa tahun yang lalu, yaitu sebagai penyedia jasa penjahit pakaian Pria dan wanita dewasa maupun pakaian anak-anak. saya mempunyai keahlian menjahit sejak saya duduk di bangku sekolah ketika saya gemar mengikuti kegiatan extrakulikuler menjahit pakaian yang di selenggarakan oleh sekolah saya. dari situlah awal mula saya untuk meneruskan keahlian saya dalam menjahit. Usaha semacam ini masih jarang di lokasi tempat saya tinggal, hanya ada beberapa dan sebagaian hanya melayani pakaian wanita saja atau pun pria saja. oleh sebab itu jika usaha saya ini saya jalankan dengan sungguh-sungguh maka akan memiliki pelanggan yang tidak kalah banyak dengan penjahit lain, dan selain itu saya juga memiliki usaha butik di rumah yang sangat mendukung usaha jahit saya tersebut. hasil dari jahitan dan butik saya, sebagian saya pasarkan melalui media sosial (online marketing) untuk itu saya yakin usaha ini akan maju dan di dukung oleh modal yang cukup memadai. Rata-rata pengeluaran untuk menjalankan usaha jahit saya dalam sebulan sekitar Rp. 1.000.000 pengeluaran tersebut adalah untuk keperluan membeli bahan baku kain, benang jahit dan biaya listrik. sedangkan dari pengeluaran tersebut saya akan memperoleh keuntungan sekitar Rp. 800.000,- dalam sebulannya. Dari gambaran usaha saya tersebut masih sangat mungkin usaha saya tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan menambah jumlah produksi atau hasil jahitan apa bila modal saya mencukupi. Untuk itu saya mencoba mengajukan permohonan untuk meminjam dana dan dari hasil usaha saya tersebut saya yakin dapat mengembalikan pinjaman dana tersebut apa bila ini disetujui.

Loan Proposal

Previously I say many thanks for the trust given to me to get a loan to promote business continuity I'm living right now is the manufacture of clothing from a variety of materials, both male and female clothing. for that I need the capital to the business progress. The next time I am in trust
again to receive a loan, the Fund will I use to; 1. add to my collection of material that will be made in sewing clothes for both men and women.
2. I will use to buy a machine for smoothing seams obras that quality and quality-made clothing and assured me awake.
3. I will use to mebeli storefront table for storing materials and clothing in order to keep neat and not exposed to dust.
 that some of the purposes that I need for my Usha progress. and I promised to refund the loan on time. for that I ask that my submission can be in response to either. I thank you for the opportunity given to me.

 Neli Nurazizah






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 26, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 months




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