Member since
August 2016
On-time repayments
313 installments • 81%
I'm a 30 year old man engaged currently in transport business.
I'm married with a family of 3 children who are all schooling.
I'm the sole bread winner although we used to work together with my wife on the farm.
I lost a lease on the farm I had leased and therefore decided to use the savings I had kept to acquire a second hand motor van which I use for public transport.
I'm currently engaged in public transport business with the van I acquired. The van is like a taxi but with a 14 passenger carrying capacity. The business is organised in such a way that you operate on a given route and is fully regulated by various government agencies.
In the same industry one can choose to operate long distances across the country or short distances within the city or rural set-up. I operate on short distances within the city.
Since I hired a place to do the farming, I would like to purchase an irrigation kit which costs approximately 300 dollars as well as construction of a chicken shed which will cost 120 dollars inclusive of labour.
This will help in boosting my production since we experience drought in first 4months of the year. I already have a permanent water source and hence installation of the irrigation system will help me a great deal.
Adding chicken rearing to my venture will improve my profits by over 60% and this will help me improve my house for my family and even make some savings.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 5, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 months
Other loans
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Dean Suminski Jul 25, 2017