For certifications to supplement degree in I.T.


Accra, Ghana

11% paid forward




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

340 installments  •  76%

About Me

Greetings! My name is Isaac Baccah and I come from the beautiful west African nation called Ghana. I live in the capital city Accra, and I am an IT professional. I enjoy reading and sports, specifically basketball and football.

My Business

I graduated from the University of Ghana in 2018, with a degree in Information Technology, thanks in part to the kindness of the wonderful lenders at Zidisha. After performing my National Service for a year, I have been trying to acquire a good-paying job for the past two years but, although I have been working for a tech company, the job unfortunately doesn't pay the bills. It turns out that most good-paying jobs require certain certifications. The certifications I want to enroll in include the CCNA and Comptia Server+. Thank you so much for this platform and thank you to every one of the lenders at Zidisha.

Project Proposal

Greetings, dear lenders. Thank you so much for the patience and belief you had in me for my previous loan. I am here again humbly requesting another loan to help me acquire two certifications to assist me in obtaining a better-paying job. Thank you so much, once again, and may GOD continue to bless you all.

Note: The system wouldn't allow me to edit this last section,
so I asked a Community Moderator to do the editing for me.

I've also asked for the following additional information to appear:

After earning my I.T. degree, I've been further developing my I.T. skills where I'm working now, and I feel confident that after I soon acquire these new certifications, I would find a better-paying job and would be able to fully repay the loan according to the terms.

In the meantime, I would faithfully send in at least something every week, even if at first I might not be able to meet the entire installment amount. I assure you, though, that I will not ever default on this or any loan that I ever take out.

It is my hope, too, to be able eventually to make enough
not just to support myself fully but also to help my family, as well.

Show original English  

About Me

Greetings! My name is Isaac Baccah and I come from the beautiful west African nation called Ghana. I live in the capital city Accra, and I am an IT professional. I enjoy reading and sports, specifically basketball and football.

My Business

I graduated from the University of Ghana in 2018, with a degree in Information Technology, thanks in part to the kindness of the wonderful lenders at Zidisha. After performing my National Service for a year, I have been trying to acquire a good-paying job for the past two years but, although I have been working for a tech company, the job unfortunately doesn't pay the bills. It turns out that most good-paying jobs require certain certifications. The certifications I want to enroll in include the CCNA and Comptia Server+. Thank you so much for this platform and thank you to every one of the lenders at Zidisha.

Loan Proposal

Greeting dear lenders. Thank you so much for the patience and belief you had in me for my previous loan. I am here again humbly requesting for another to help me acquire two certifications to assist me obtain a better paying job. This will allow me earn more to be able to assist my family financially. Thank you so much once again, and may GOD continue to bless you all.





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Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 24, 2021



London, United Kingdom



United Kingdom


United States

Dave Bogard

New York, United States

Lotus Flower

United States


Berlin, Germany

Paul Smithson

Leeds, United Kingdom


Jason and Sandra

Toronto, Canada


Minneapolis/StPaul, United States


Darin MacRae

United States


Mac McKiva

United States

Ryan Agnew


Sla Tyr




Zürich, Switzerland


United Kingdom





Diego Donoso

United States



United States

Klaus Seistrup

Bornholm, Denmark


Chiraa, Ghana


Jema, Ghana

Ask Isaac a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


