Expansion and development loan


Nakuru, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $60 goal


days left




Member since

August 2014

On-time repayments

64 installments  •  9%

About Me

I am Geoffrey Onyango a member from a family of six.i have three siblings and i am the second born in our family.I got the chance to attend my studies right away from primary level through to high school and currently pursuing a bachelors degree at Mount Kenya University Nakuru Campus.While growing up my biggest wish was to venture into business.It is through this that i happen to be a young enterprenuer running a retail shop alongside an mpesa outlet which is located at weavers area near chief’s office, my business is doing fine here since also the security is good around and therefore the clients don’t fear even to do big shopping here.

My Business

My business serves as my source of income at the moment.I deal with groceries and a number of household goods.these are things that the society can not live without and as a fact i am sure that if i invested more into my shop then i will see my profit margin gradually rise.My sales sum upto around usd 45 per day so that gives a figure of usd 1350 per month.My monthly expenses range from the essential basic needs to miscellaneous.I incur us$ 75 as rent repayment and around us$ 120 for my monthly upkeep.I also pay water and electricity bills of around us$ 10 on a monthly basis.Other expenses are taken care of out of necessity if it should arise.The rise in my total sales is as a result of the introduction of green beans to my shop.This was made able from the first loan i acquired from Zidisha.I am hoping to expand my business by adding more stock as the current stock is not able to meet the current customer demand.

Loan Proposal

I am going to add more stock to my shop so as to ensure that i meet the high demand of my products and services i am facing at the moment.This will serve as an expansion loan as i am looking forward to add more shelf space in my shop.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 16, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

13 months

Other loans



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Geofrey a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


