Farming inputs


Nakuru, Kenya


$3,523 to go

0% funded of $3,523 goal


days left




Member since

February 2013

On-time repayments

377 installments  •  100%

About Me

my name is rosemary mwangi, i come from a family of 6members, my parents, 2sisters and 1brother,Was brought up in lowerkabete and later nakuru freehold estate.Pursued a diploma in marketing management in Kenya institute of management.went to st clares girls for secondary education and mount saint marys girls for primary currently running a cereal shop.which i started in 2011 after having been employed in ICT industry for one year.I mainly deal with rice,ndengu ,beansand maize.most of my products i get them from mwea like rice and some like maize i get them from molo.

My Business

The goods i offer are cereals the hard grains which i get from farmers in mwea and molo.The demand for cereals is high since it is food that people consume on daily basis.My clients prefer me because i always give them fresh quality goods and of good measure and treat them with good customer service.the business is profitable since it is food that is bought daily and i get at a reasonable amount from the farmers which there is no intermediary between me and the farmers.i also sell at a cheaper price compared to my competitors,i also sell in wholesale price to other sellrs.

Project Proposal

Hello, thank you for the continued support you gave to me, I plan to use the KSHS 450,000 I will get I plan to add stock to my cereal shops as well construct a store house in my. farm to be able to store more of the feeds, this will save with the transport cash as we will reduce delivery days.





  • Colm O Brien    Jan 8, 2018

    Her repayments are on time but the amount repaid has been reduced significantly. At the average repayment amount the current loan is going to take about 3 years to be repaid. She had no difficulty repaying the expected payment amounts on the previous loans but this time the repayments are often very small. I have to wonder if she being serious about her repayments or if this project is viable?

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    • Rosemary    Aug 18, 2018

      Hi colm sorry for disappointing,just had a baby via c section and was put on rest for 6 months due to some complication,i will improve on my repayment as soon as I stabilize the business..sorry for loosing your trust

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  • Will    Oct 12, 2017

    Rosemary has made over 150 loan repayments and every single one of them has been on time! I would highly recommend loaning to her.

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Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested


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