Hostel fees


Kyeremasu, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

January 2017

On-time repayments

84 installments  •  26%

About Me

My name is acheapomaa gloria and i come from kyeremasu,a small and deprived in ghana.i am twenty two years of age.i am an ophan because my parents hard an a accident two years after my birth.i have to be taken care my grandmother who was very old at that time.because of her situation i started working at the age of five to support my self and my the age of ten,my grandmother also passed away.i became so much worried and rejected.i went to stay with my teacher who supported me by providing me a place to sleep.i sell ice water everyday so that i l get chop money.this continue until i completed senior high.i am now working as a pupil teacher and also student through distance education.i am a christian,single and my hobbies are singing and teaching children about the word of god

My Business

i am teacher working in the private.i also have fridge where i sell ice water,drinks like malta,coke, fanta and kalypo to my people.i do these things to support my education and get food to eat.i do these things because i dont have any support from anybody.these drinks have a good market because they needed in our life everyday.the profits are used to settle my fees and buy school handouts.

Loan Proposal

ada yang bisa membuat saya tidak ada aja orang yang paling enak banget sama kamu mah yang bisa membuat saya sudah mulai masuk sekolah di sekolah aja nih anak gaul banget sama yang namanya apa yang ada pada waktunya untuk memaafkan tapi masih aja kangen kamu yang dulu deh. Adi gua mau tau banget apa mau tau aja atau apa yang kita harus bilang iya aku marah aja terus.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 7, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

18 months


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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