Loan for purchase of livestock feed for dairy farming


Nairobi , Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  50%

About Me

I am a small entrepreneur and i am married and blessed with a lovely daughter. I am a small dairy farmer located in the outskirts of Nairobi in a more peri-urban environment. i have had a good education in my early years where i have gone through the primary education all the way to college education where i studied a business course. I started off with employment however due to my exposure to farming thanks to my parents i developed a passion for dairy farming and with time i changed course and ventured in to small time farming to augment my income. It is a good venture where i am able to get income to support my family and with good management skills i can be able to plan better so as to achieve good returns.

My Business

I get most of my income through dairy farming currently i have two cows which are able to produce at least 100 litres of milk in a week. i usually sell 70% of the total production and leave at least 30% for domestic consumption. It is a good and stable revenue source however there is a lot of competition resulting in huge supply that has reduced the prices at the market. However i am able to sell a litre at around Kshs 80-100. I am passionate at what i do and will continue to augument my income through the venture and i know at some point in time will grow it to be a large business.

Loan Proposal

I intend to purchase more livestock feed for my animals, one sack retails at Kshs 1300/= and wanted to add one more sack that will sustain me for the next one month. The milk prices are getting better after reduced supply of milk in the market and i need to sustain my production levels to ensure that i maintain a consistent profit going forward.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 21, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Melbourne, Australia

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