Paying school fees balances


Kitwe,copperbelt Province-zambia, Zambia

228% paid forward




Member since

August 2018

On-time repayments

25 installments  •  52%

About Me

Loveson Lungu is name and I was born in Petauke in the eastern part of Zambia on the 3rd June,1988 from the family of 9 children.I am the 6th Child in the family,we are 7 boys and 2 girls,me being the 4th born. I started school in Petauke at a nearby Primary School but I did not take long I moved to the Copperbelt and started school at Matete Primary School and I later I went to Rokana Secondary where I completed my senior education.

My Business

Shortly after completing my education,I started working as part time at one of the grocery shop in town for 3 years but later I decided to open up my own business in selling computers,then later I opened up the internet cafe in town which I run now with stationery.

Project Proposal

With the same funds,would use it to pay the remaining school fees balances and other school requirements.
Your support will really go a long way in assisting me with the requirement as I plan to repay the loan on time.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 12, 2023



Ruiru, Kenya

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