Pet shop


Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

100% paid forward




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

58 installments  •  84%

About Me

Hi, ____Introduced me Afit Zaenudin I used to call Hafit, My daily activities are dealing with website and I want to build a website platform. Dear investor please briefly read this article. ___My unique hobby gardeningThank you

My Business

I have a domain website. (, if for income from google adsense and I also still work ____ my monthly income / salary from the 3,500,000 office is outside of my side of the website. Because my website is private____ Thank you investors

Project Proposal

I will use the collected funds as best I can for shopping at the store and other needs, such as shopping for cat food, cat snacks, etc. In the future, I will update and share about the business that I am running. Thank you investors

My Videos

Aug 30, 2022: Pie petshop

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me


Perkenalkan saya Afit Zaenudin yg biasa di panggil Hafit, Kegiatan saya setiap hari berurusan dengan website dan saya lagi ingin membangun usaha petshop. Nama petshop saya (pie petshop) bisa di cek di shopee, tokopedia, bukalapak, instagram dll.
Visi saya untuk mengedepankan perkembangan teknologi yg berkaitan dengan petshop

Hobi unik saya berkebun

Terima kasih

My Business

Saya punya website domainnya, kalau untuk penghasilan dari google adsense, saya juga punya usaha petshop dan saya juga masih kerja

penghasilan saya perbulan/gaji dari kantor Rp 4.000.000 itu diluar dari sampingan website saya. karna website saya ini pribadi

Saya punya petshop namanya (pie petshop) dengan penghasilan perbulan 11,000.000 sampe 20,000,000

Terima kasih investor

Loan Proposal

Dana yang terkempul akan saya gunakan sebaik mungkin untuk keperluan belanja di toko dan keperluan lainnya, misalnya belanja makanan kucing, snack kucing dlll. Untuk kedepannya saya update dan saya share terkait usaha yang saya jalanin. Terima kasih investor





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 10, 2022



Wonogiri, Indonesia


Nairobi , Kenya



Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya

Ria Nirmala Sandi

Surakarta, Indonesia


Thika, Kenya

Ask Afit a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Afit

$572 (29 Projects)

Projects funded by Afit's Pay It Forward recipients

$8,379 (386 Projects)

Afit paid it forward to:

Julius Mutiga M'minyori

Water tank

Karnasih Widia Sari Bt Karsum

Transfer transportation