Store supplies and equipment


Bogor, Indonesia

100% paid forward




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

40 installments  •  93%

About Me

I was born in Bogor on May 19, 1979. from elementary school to college, I received several scholarships for education, since no I tried to not burden my parents because I knew my parents were very poor and there was not enough money to pay for my education so I motivated to achieve a minimum of being among the best in my school environment

My Business

in addition to working as a financial staff, I also have a small counter that has a bussines selling perfume seeds and top-up perfumes where I allocate capital from the portion of my salary

Project Proposal

Funds received will be used to increase supplies and purchase equipment that my shop needs

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

I was born in Bogor on May 19, 1979. from elementary school to college, I received several scholarships for education, since no I tried to not burden my parents because I knew my parents were very poor and there was not enough money to pay for my education so I motivated to achieve a minimum of being among the best in my school environment

My Business

in addition to working as a financial staff, I also have a small counter that has a bussines selling perfume seeds and top-up perfumes where I allocate capital from the portion of my salary

Loan Proposal

Dana yang diterima akan digunakan untuk menambah bahan persediaan dan membeli perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan toko saya





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 3, 2023



Kesses, Kenya


Palu, Indonesia


Lagos, Nigeria


Benin, Nigeria

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Adityawarman

$94 (5 Projects)

Projects funded by Adityawarman's Pay It Forward recipients

$6,293 (116 Projects)

Adityawarman paid it forward to: