Production stock of crispy intestine snacks


Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

40% paid forward




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

47 installments  •  94%

About Me

Assalamualaikum, let me introduce you to Ikhsan Rusmayadin. Currently I am married and work as an online shop admin, apart from that I also have a business in the food sector. Thank God my business is going quite well. I hope I can join Zidisha to gain more experience regarding investment capital funding.

My Business

I currently have income from my job as an online shop admin and a business that, thank God, is still running. I hope here I can get additional capital to develop my business.

Project Proposal

I need additional capital to increase the stock of the products I provide to the market. Currently demand for my products is increasing and it is necessary to add stock.

My Videos

Oct 14, 2023: Proposal usaha

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Assalamualaikum, perkenalkan saya ikhsan rusmayadin. Saat ini saya sudah menikah dan bekerja sebagai admin online shop, selain itu juga saya mempunyai usaha dalam bidang makanan. Alhamdulillah usaha saya berjalan cukup baik. Saya harap saya bisa bergabung dengan zidisha agar lebih memperbanyak pengalaman mengenai pendanaan modal investasi.

My Business

saat ini saya mempunyai penghasilan dari pekerjaan sebagai admin online shop dan usaha yang sampai sat ini Alhamdulillah masih berjalan. Saya harap disini saya mendapatkan modal tambahan untuk mengembngkan usaha saya.

Loan Proposal

Saya membutuhkan tambahan modal untuk kembali menambah stok produk yang saya sediakan untuk pasar. Saat ini permintaan untuk produk saya sedang meningkat dan perlu untuk menambahkan stok.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 28, 2024


Dave Bogard

New York, United States


Sultan Hamud, Kenya


Ray and Abram

Melbourne, Australia


Nairobi, Kenya

Ask Ikhsan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Ikhsan

$43 (3 Projects)

Projects funded by Ikhsan's Pay It Forward recipients

$6 (1 Project)

Ikhsan paid it forward to: