Purchase of camping gear for safari business

Mercy Zoe

Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid



Mercy Zoe

Member since

February 2014

On-time repayments

140 installments  •  96%

About Me

My name is Mercy Zoe Wanjiru, I'm a Kenyan businesswoman. I run a company called Bush and events Africa. We organize safaris and adventure travel within Kenya and Tanzania. I started my business 5 years ago. I love my business because it's passion driven and i enjoy my work very much. I started my business from my little savings after working in another tour company for 3yrs and I always knew that someday I'll own my own business. To me it's a dream come true although I'm now seeking funds to expand my business. I plan to get a loan and buy camping gear and other outdoor essential like sleeping bags,camping seats,gazebo etc. I use the profits from my business go towards expanding my business further as i grow it step by step with the little i make over time

My Business

I have used my previous loan from Zidisha to buy camping tents,mattresses, solar lamps,camping seats etc and this has really helped my business to grow. I'm very grateful to Zidisha lenders! I use the items i bought to run my trips hence i save on hiring from other sources like i used to, and sometimes when I'm not using the gear, i hire them out as well. The vehicle is being used to transport my camping equipment which i used to transport in a hired vehicle so now I'll be cutting the hiring costs. The vehicle can also be used to transport people which is a plus in my line of business.

Loan Proposal

Greetings and thank you for the opportunity to present my loan application to lenders
This is my first loan application on zidisha and I plan to purchase camping tents,sleeping bags and camping chairs for my business. I run a safaris and events company which is still young but growing step by step,and at the moment I hire camping gear for my outdoor events from other people,yet if i had some of my own,i would use them hence not incur further expenses. Once i get my own gear, I plan on hiring them out to people and making more income which i will use to purchase more assets for the company The camping gear is a good investment for my business because the gear lasts for many years and continues to benefit you long after you've made the money used to buy it in the first place. I sincerely hope i'll get lenders willing to support my idea






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 3, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Hillsboro, United States

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