

Machokos, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $11 goal


days left




Member since

March 2023

On-time repayments

1 installment  •  0%

About Me

I have always had a business-oriented mindset, even when I was in elementary school.My story begins in the county where I was born, Machakos, where I completed all of my formal education and earned excellent grades that allowed me to enroll in Kenyatta University and pursue a bachelor's degree in commerce.My parents encouraged me to pursue a medical degree, but I was very interested in business and wanted to pursue my goals.I completely entered the business world after graduating and launched a small company that specializes in the sale of electronics.Due to a lack of funding, the company has been functioning at a minimal level at the moment.

My Business

Since my parents are retried, my business deals with the sales of technology products, which provide my parents and me with a means of subsistence.The company is dealing with issues like a shortage of capital, high taxes, and a high rent for my store, but I've been able to balance my spending and earning to ensure that whatever profit I make doesn't exceed my expenses.The only source of income I have is from my company, which also serves as my primary means of providing for my parents, so I respectfully ask the lenders for their assistance.

Project Proposal

I wish to repair power supply for my television





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 2, 2023


Mercy Zoe

Nairobi, Kenya

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