Startup capital for remote work


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2020

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  64%

About Me

I was born and raised in Ongata Rongai. I did Primary School in Kiserian before being transferred to another school in Central province where I completed. I went to a school in Ngong' where I completed my high school studies. I then proceeded to Multimedia University of Kenya where I graduated with a Bachelors in Film and Animation in 2019 October. I had to and still am learning the ways of sustaining my livelihood.
A variety of business ideas hit my head over the whole of 2020 and have now settled on two which will hopefully help me set a foundation. While studying at the university, I had to learn how to produce quality soundtracks; including movie soundtracks, beats and also sound effects. I hope to set up a well equipped audio and visual studio. Since I can consider myself professional as of both audio and video production, I plan to start a studio and make a living off of it. I am also a professional financial markets analyst and this is another business that will help kick-start the former business plan.

My Business

Currently, I am employed and working as a messenger. Since most of the time I am usually receiving and delivering goods, while out of the office, I use this time to analyze financial markets and trade. It helps me make an extra coin at the end of the day. I did not choose to be a messenger; I was desperately looking for a job at the moment and so I had no other option, even while very well knowing I could make a living from creating awesome visuals and audio but I had no equipment. After saving some money for 5 months, I funded a live account which I am struggling to grow due to time constraints caused by my messenger roles. I am choosing to get involved in the business of financial markets and audiovisual content because that's where my passion lies.

Loan Proposal

I will use the loan to start an online remote work account. I aim to start doing graphic design and video editing for clients.

Income Source

I will be paid for the jobs I will do for clients.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 13, 2021

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks




Maria Lawler

United States

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