Printer papers for my business of repairing and selling phones


Nakuru, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

41 installments  •  54%

About Me

I was born and raised in Kenya, Nakuru county at Mwariki estate. I was admitted to Mwariki nursery school at the age of four and later joined Mwariki Primary school. I then joined Njoro Boys' High School for my secondary education for one year after which I was transferred to Nakuru Day Secondary School.
I have learned to live one day at a time. As much as there are difficulties in life, I always keep focused on what I want to achieve. I would say determination and hard work keep me on my feet.
I started my business in 2013 just after cming back to my home country from Afghanistan where I worked with DynCorp International for 2 years. I used the money I had saved to finance the business.
The most unique thing about my land is the diversity of cultures. Thereis always something to learn from each other. Besides the diverse cultures, Kenya is also a tourist destination due to its national parks and game reserves.
I love reading novels and one of my best authors is John Grisham. Best novel authored by John Grisham is 'The Street Lawyer'

My Business

I started my business in 2013. My business majors on mobile phone repair and sale of mobile phone accessories.
The goods and srvices are important because they save the customers the expense of buying a new mobile phone in case theirs breakdown.
I chose this business because besides having knowledge on the same, I also get to learn moresince different gadgets have different problems.The different problems also help in eliminating tedious sameness or monotony.
The profits earned from this business is used for various purposes. some of this purposes include replenishment of stock and home improvement.

Project Proposal

The funds will help me buy printing papers for my business and also buy some new mouse and keyboards





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 7, 2022


Granvile Karanja

Gateiguru, Kenya


United States


Abuja, Nigeria


Nairobi, Kenya


Kumasi, Ghana



Abuja Nigeria, Nigeria

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Ibrahim

$24 (6 Projects)

Projects funded by Ibrahim's Pay It Forward recipients

$193 (13 Projects)

Ibrahim paid it forward to: