Stock of rectangular hijabs


Batubara, Indonesia

100% paid forward




Member since

March 2018

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  85%

About Me

I am a private employee and a housewife. I now want to increase capital because I also have an online and offline business oriflame and, I want to borrow capital to advance my business. And I sell clothes, hijabs, trousers and accessories in the women's fashion sector such as watches, shoes and lots of cosmetics too.

My Business

I am a nurse at Grand Medistra Hospital, Lubuk Pakam, North Sumatra. I like doing business, outside of my main job. I do Oriflame business, namely cosmetics and daily beauty products. and I do business, namely household furniture, such as drinking bowls, eating utensils, pans, frying pans, children's study tables, and many more

Project Proposal

I want to buy stock of sharia, rectangular hijabs and several hijab accessories because many have ordered them from me.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya pegawai swasta dan ibu rumah tangga.saya sekarang ingin menambah modal karna saya juga punya bisnis online dan offline oriflame dan,saya ingin meminjam modal untuk memajukan bisnis saya.
Dan saya jualan di bidang fashion wanita baju,hijab,celana,dan asesoris seperti jam tangan sepatu dan banyak kosmetik juga.

My Business

saya seorang perawat di rumah sakit grand medistra lubuk pakam,sumatera utara.
saya suka melakukan bisnis,diluar pekerjaan utama saya.
saya berbisnis oriflame yaitu kosmetik dan produk kecantikan sehari2.
dan saya berbisnis yaitu perabotan rumah tangga,seperti tuper minum,tuper makan,panci,wajan.meja belajar anak.dan masih banyak lagi

Loan Proposal

Saya ingin membeli stok hijab syari,segiempat,dan beberapa assesoris hijab karena sudah banyak yang pesan kepada saya





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 18, 2023


Lilian Shanyisa

Kakamega Joyland, Kenya


Ed Hendrickson

Ames, Iowa, United States

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Tanti

$325 (14 Projects)

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$3,754 (99 Projects)

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