To pay my sister's final-year school fees


Kumasi, Ghana

200% paid forward




Member since

October 2021

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  20%

About Me

My name is Daniel Attomah Tawiah. I was born in the western region of Ghana, but I live in Kumasi. I am yet to marry because preparation is underway. Cooking is what I enjoy doing.

My Business

I am a fashion designer by profession, and this fashion-design work is what is helping me to get money to invest in my business. I make and sell designer clothes.

Project Proposal

I am a fashion designer and I will be needing more materials for me to sew clothes to sell to my customers. Ever since our father died, I took on the responsibility of taking care of my little sister. As I am writing now, she is owing school fees and I need to pay those before she would be allowed to write her final-year exams.

Thank you so much for your goodwill in helping us.

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About Me

Thank you so much for the good Will to help us. My name is Daniel Attomah Tawiah. I was born in the western region of Ghana but lives in Kumasi. I am yet to marry because preparation is underway. Cooking is what I enjoy doing.

My Business

I am a fashion designer by profession and this fashion designer work is the one that is helping me to get money to invest in my fashion designer work. I also sells fashion designer clothes.

Loan Proposal

I am a fashion designer and I will be needing materials to make it easier for me to sewed clothes to sell to my customers. Ever since our father died I took the responsibility to take care of my little sister and as I am writing now she is owing school fees and I need to pay before she will be allowed to write his final year exams.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 7, 2021



Asewakrom, Ghana


Ashaiman, Ghana

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