University exam fee


Nairobi, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

October 2023

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  33%

About Me

My name is Winnie. A final year university student studying actuarial science and certified investment and financial analyst(CIFA). Currently am working as an underwriter/claim analyst at an Insurance agency around Kasarani. Am kindly requesting for a loan that will help me finalize my studies as well as help me launch my photography business.

My Business

My source of income is mostly salary since am employed and also some side hustles I do during the weekends. I help a friend with photography most of the times so far its a good business. I have an high interest in photography and graphic designs. Now, I would like to purchase my own camera and a laptop. I need at least $500 for the camera at the moment. Your support, no matter the amount, would make a world of difference in empowering my dreams and securing my future. It will also help me pay for my school fees and take care of other bills.
As for the laptop i need approximately $300. As a sit for my computer based exam for CIFA am required to have a laptop but at the moment i don't have any. Am supposed to sit for the final exam DEC 2024 but since i don't have the laptop i haven't booked the exams yet.

Thank you in advance for your generous support

Project Proposal

With the amount I receive I will utilize it to contribute and pay for my CIFA exam fee. The sitting exam shall be done in April though the expected amount is Kes 18,000/=





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 25, 2024

Other projects


Maria Lawler

United States



South Strafford, United States

Ask Winnie a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Winnie

$25 (2 Projects)

Projects funded by Winnie's Pay It Forward recipients

$362 (2 Projects)

Winnie paid it forward to: