For belik furniture and my business stock


Medan, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $141 goal


days left




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  0%

About Me

I am chairul amri. . _work in pt ccsi. . I live in the city I work in the field of telecommunication services. . I am the second child of 3 siblings. . I work in telecommunication for 5 years. . My position as engginer field. . I am currently working in China

My Business

My income source can be my job in telecommunication service field. . My monthly income is 4 million rupiah. I hope my loan application can be approved by you. I will obey the rules you make. . Thank you in advance. _ Above this app. . _ I hope once with the loan from father / mother. Because the loan was a mean moment for me. You can easily understand my complaints. Twushbskksnhknnagkebjknhkmnljgfhskouhboayegkdjojsgkllokh okmmvfkk. Pojljdssgjkkiiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipjgdfkssjnduhndsjinsajiyfxnpokjofsagbkurdcjjvsagjmoufcjjfsghhjgdsdghfchhdsgjdqwetyuhvdggshjheeapakabdvksnbzkzkk thank you for all that you have given me. . I hope very soon with this proposal to hold me all. Apakdgkskhkadalam sielndksuokj

Loan Proposal

I will buy a refrigerator for my house and can add small businesses I can sell ice at my house, I can sell ice cubes and ice candles in schools and at home, __keuntungannya can be used jga for household needs jga we can Keep the vegetables and fruits, __and can add to the family and other kebugukan kebugukan

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya chairul amri..
bekerja di pt ccsi..
saya tinggal di kota medan saya bekerja di bidang jasa telekomunikasi..saya anak kedua dari 3 bersaudara..saya bekerja di bidang telekomunikasi selama 5 tahun..posisi saya sebagai engginer lapangan..saat ini saya bekerja dibperusaahaan milik china

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya dapt sari pekerjaan saya si bidang jasa telekomunikasi..
penghasilan perbulan saya 4juta rupiah.saya berharap pengajuan pinjaman saya sapat bapak setujui.saya akan mentaatinperaturan yang bapak/ibu buat..terima kasih sebelumnya.
atas aplikasi ini..
saya berharap sekali dengan pinjaman dari bapak/ ibu.karena pinjaman itu saat berarti untuk saya.mudah2 han bapak dpat mengerti keluhan saya.twushbskksnhknnagkebjknhkmnljgfhskouhboayegkdjojsgkllokh okmmvfkk.pojljdssgjkkiiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipjgdfkssjnduhndsjinsajiyfxnpokjofsagbkurdcjjvsagjmoufcjjfsghhjgdsdghfchhdsgjdqwetyuhvdggshjheeapakabdvksnbzkzkkdeterima kasih untuk semua yg yelah bapak berikan kepada saya..saya berharap sekali dengan pengajuan ni sapat menbatu saya semua.apakdgkskhkadalam sielndksuokj

Loan Proposal

saya akan membeli kulkas untuk di rumah saya dan bisa nambah usaha kecil2 lan bisa jual es di sekelilinv rumah saya,
saya bisa jual es batu dan es lilin di sekolah - sekolah dan di rumah,
keuntungannya bisa di pakai jga untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga jga kita bisa nyimpan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan,
dan bisa nambah kemasukan keluarga dan kebuguhan yang lain





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 3, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months


Darren Jeppson

Denver, Colorado, United States

Ask Chairul a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Nov 6, 2017


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Aug 14, 2017 $11.53
Aug 21, 2017 $11.53
Aug 28, 2017 $11.53
Sep 4, 2017 $11.53
Sep 11, 2017 $11.53
Sep 18, 2017 $11.53
Sep 25, 2017 $11.53
Oct 2, 2017 $11.53
Oct 9, 2017 $11.53
Oct 16, 2017 $11.53
Oct 23, 2017 $11.53
Oct 30, 2017 $11.53
Nov 6, 2017 $2.83
