Stocking my provisions shop

Kwabna Foster

Feyiase, Ghana

15% repaid



Kwabna Foster

Member since

June 2016

On-time repayments

173 installments  •  39%

About Me

My name is Ohene Kwabena Foster and I come from Sunyani but i live at Feyiasi District of the Ashanti Region. We are five and I am the eldest. Just like any other village in Ghana, it is extremely hard to push yourself up through the unfavorable conditions and poverty in those areas but i was fortunate to make a headway. Three children for my parents was hard especially when we were growing up; three square meal a day and the money they made was not enough for the betterment of our lives. The only option left was for me to locate one of my aunties at Feyiasi. I left my parents at the age of fifteen (15) when i completed
my BECE exam to live with my auntie at Feyiasi, in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Auntie Pomaa thought me a lot about life and good planning; how to
read books and how important education is. I can say that, today, it has really helped me a lot in overcoming many obstacles that some of my colleagues
do face. I am a very trustworthy person and i never comprise on trust in all my doings. I like to hang out with friends during leisure time or play video games
at times. The food i like best is fufu with palm-nut soup. My favorite sports is football/soccer

My Business

After school, it has been very hard finding job despite the many job search and applications that i have written. Due to that, my auntie gave me a little amount to start a provision store .This is the only way i have taken to keep myself going day in and day out. The good news is that, people love to take drinks and especially energy drinks so i make money on daily basis. Energy drinks enable people to gain the required strength they need to start their daily activities. Others take these soft drinks as a way to refresh themselves and keep themselves cool from the sunny days.
I buy them mostly in bulk from Kejetia in Kumasi, one of the big marketing areas in Ghana where most of the big stores are situated and bring it to my shop at Feyiasi. It is a very lucrative business because it has served me alot and i make a living with that. However, i need financial support to enable me make more sales to enable me continue extend a helping hand to my siblings who have just started second cycle school and enable me continue school as well. Age is really catching up with my sibling as such they do not have the energy to work like before. I would be please if Zidisha would enable me make that happen.

Loan Proposal

I need a loan of about $340 to invest in my provision shop.
I would like to buy $150 worth of clean bottled water (Voltic Mineral Water). I would then buy $100worth of soft drinks like coke and malt. I will buy $60 worth of energy drinks and chocolate drinks. I will later spend the remaining $30 in maintaining the good shape of my shop.
My shop serves hundreds of lives in the Feyiase community. People from all age groups visit my shop for their daily needs and I am very glad for serving them always. The more products i have in my shop, the better I am able to serve them and also make profit to look after my aged parents.
When I am given this loan it will help keep my dreams alive and as usual I will always remember to pay the loan to enable lenders fund other colleagues loans to also keep other borrowers dreams alive.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 10, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

33 months



Malta, Malta

Jamal Hamou

Cascadia, Canada


Matt Willis

United States



United States


Michiel Rauws

San Francisco, Netherlands


Helsinki, Finland

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Tyler Metcalf

Utah, United States


Reno, United States

Dustin Lape

Lynchburg, United States

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