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Quick Facts About Zidisha

Quick Facts

Trust & Security

We make crowdfunding easy, but we don’t take it lightly — so we take a variety of measures to strengthen the security of our community and put confidence behind your compassion.

First, we verify the identity of our entrepreneurs by:

  • Independently verifying their name and national identity numbers by requiring ID card copies and/or verifying against national identity registries.
  • Disbursing funds through banks and payment services that check government-issued identity cards to verify recipients' identity.
  • Requiring entrepreneurs to provide telephone numbers of at least three local contacts that can vouch for their identity and reputation, before raising projects of substantial size.
  • Using data science to screen entrepreneur accounts for suspicious activity before activating new entrepreneurs and disbursing funds.
  • When available, consulting a national credit bureau to ensure the entrepreneur does not have any nonperforming loans.

Then we help incentivize responsible participation by:

  • Limiting project sizes to small amounts for new entrepreneurs and increasing those limits gradually over time.
  • Displaying entrepreneurs' historical fundraising and payment performance so prospective backers can evaluate their track records.
  • Displaying comments and feedback ratings left by previous backers on entrepreneurs' profile pages.