Cake shop bakery


Pelalawan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

21 installments  •  81%

About Me

I am a housewife who works in a government office, and sells cakes every day to supplement income to meet needs, and high demand, so I sell home-made cakes, so I intend to open a pastry shop in line with the high demand, while I have no members to help I

My Business

The business I want to develop is selling cakes, because in my village that sells birthday cake, there are still few cakes, so there is a lot of competition, and so that my cake gets bigger, I want to open a store and have the energy that can help me to meet customer demands, but I collided with capital, so I wanted to borrow money at Zidhisa, my business started in 2011 and I wanted to grow a business

Loan Proposal

With this loan I will buy the cake equipment, such as mixer, mixer is worth IDR6.000.000, use the mixer to make bkue, supy my cake faster ready and better result, fast ready banyk order which i can receive. And other materials such as sugar flour, tbm eggs, yng so far I can only buy as many pesnan just jdi hrg its much more mhal than I buy with bitch capacities.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya ibu rumah tangga yg bekerja di kantor pemerintahan, dan sehari hari menjual kue untuk menambah penghasilan untyk memenuhi kebutuhan, dan tingginya permintaan,jadi saya menjual kue rumahan, jd saya berniat untuk membuka toko kue seiring tingginya permintaan, sedangkan saya tidak punya anggota utk membantu saya

My Business

Usaha yg inginkan saya kembangkan adalh menjual kue,karena dikampung saya yg nenjual kue ulang tahun kue pesta masih sedikit, blm banyak persaingan, dan supaya hasil kue saya bertambah besar saya ingin membuka toko dan mempunyai tenaga yg bisa membantu saya utk memenuhi permintaan pelanggan, tapi saya terbentur dengan modal, jadi saya ingin meminjam uang di zidhisa, usaha saya mulai sejak tahun 2011 dan saya berkeinginan untuk membesarkan usaha

Loan Proposal

Dengan uang pinjaman ini saya akan membeli perlatan kue, seperti mixer, mixer tersebut seharga IDR6.000.000, gunanya mixer tersebut utk membuatbkue, supy kue saya lebih cepat siap dan hasil yg lebih bagus, cepat siap banyk pesanan yg bisa saya terima. Dan bahan bahannlain seperti tepung gula, telor tbm, yng selama ini saya hnya bisa membeli sebanyak pesnan saja jdi hrg nya jauh lebih mhal dibandingkan saya membeli dengan kapasits yg banyk.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 16, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks



Craig Newmark

United States

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