Purchase second hand trousers to refurbish and resell


Kisumu City, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $100 goal


days left




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  0%

About Me

I grew in a place called Kanyolenda near kisumu city. Our family is a polygamous family, my father had three wives, my mother was the second wife. In total we are seventeen children. I am the third born in a house of six. To grow up in such a big family was tough.
My parents used to fight moreso when dad is drunk. The parents were financially constrained. I was unable to continue with my education past primary. I started doing manual jobs such as weeding maize and rice plantations.
Some of my siblings have died of Aids, so we have a lot of graves in our yard. That makes me to pray a lot during my free time, such that God can help us who are alive.
After doing those odd jobs for around four years, I managed to save and started selling second hand trouser for men. The business has managed to support me. I'm looking forward to expand and boost my income. I am not married but very soon I'm marrying.
The unique culture we have in our place is Men inherit Women whoes husband have died.
They dont care which disease have killed them. My hobby is to encourage the orphans to work hard in school and also in my free time we play football.

My Business

As I said above I refurbish and sell second hand trousers for men. My customers are people who are working in homesteads, like watchmen, teachers, drivers, conductors, and those who work in rice plantation.
The services are in demand because the trousers I'm selling are cheap compared with the new ones, also the quality is good. I also save time for my customers by taking he service to their doorsteps, so they like my services. They also put orders so i go look for what they want.
I chose this kind of business because it was easy to raise capital to start it and it needs no space.
My typical cost are I sell one trouser for Ksh. 300 to 400 (approximately 5 dollars) the average earnings are 10 to 15 dollars per day. It also depends witht he day. Like end month my sales increases.
The major expenses is paying someone who irons for me. I pay him 1 to 1.5 dollars for five trousers depending with the texture of the trouser. I can spend 3 dollars for ironing ten trousers. I wash them, keep them clean, i buy bar soap for 1 dollars, 1dollars for perfume.
I don't pay rent I am staying in our compound even tax to county government because they are not allowed to tax hawkers.
At the end of the month, I make a profit of 200 to 300 dollars. I mainly use the profit for our family, maintenance, buy food for my sicking sibling.
My expences are 5 dollars i subtract from 200dollars i remain with 195dollars.
I hope to grow my business by employing one person to assist me in hawking, by doing so my profit will increase and open a boutique in future.

Loan Proposal

Dear Lenders
My major aim with this loan is to increase my stock.I will use 80 dollars to increase the stock.The remaining amount i will use to buy soap and perfume.
After increasing the stock the sales will be high also my profity will also increase.Even the business will expand that means i will look for some one to help me in selling.
I am expecting my profit to increase from 200 to 400 dollars per month.It will also eneble me to pay back my loan.
I am humbly seeking your support for my loan fundraise.I also look forward to work with you.
Dennis Muteti.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 17, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months




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