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School fee for our boy

I am greatful and thankful for your funding, your funding has really helped my,I have got all I need in my welding job now I don't wive is doing well as she can support our family while I am away working on site, through small business he has began by the funding of zindisha.
Thanks alot and God bless you.

Bale of blankets, ladies jackets & cold season clothing

The just ended loan was a great success in my business project. I bought a bale of blankets, ladies jacks and the summer time time clothing. I earned good profits in this project especially in 2023 during the festival season, I generated good incomes and the business is growing and expanding steadily since joining Zidisha online loans, the platform has been very supportive and this year I wish to work very hard so that my can expand and I can buy or build a shop were I can stock up different types clothing goods. Thank you my lenders I hope and pray that you will give me more support in the next project of 2024.

Hawking of socks, hankerchiefs, vests and boxers

Thank you so much for supporting this venture. As they say education is the key to a brighter future and by providing exercise books at an affordable price I am able to put a smile on a young child's face. These kids are tomorrow's leader and future zidisha members too. January marks the start of a school term and exercise books are an essential part of going back to school. I can't thank you enough for making this possible. Asante

Kamaa Wa Comp cybercafe

Just purchased the computers thanks alot backers

Peas farming

Thank you very much for your faith and support. We have adequate rain now and the funds will help me buy fertilizer for my maize crop. Thank you.

Purchase of backup power system

Thank you all my backers, for coming through with your support and most importantly, Zidisha for providing this platform which has lightened the burden of access to finance for thousands of entrepreneurs across various countries.

Smart phones and accessories shop

I did receive the funds and I was to purchase new stock for sale this 2024, I bought new latest smart phones for sale and the phones accessories.
Thank you my backers for helping me to expedite my loan because I almost lost the new orders but you made a very efforts to help me expedite my quickly and I received the money instantly. I hope in future, you will support me.

Mam'z general investment

Ready to go for marketing thank you for helping us.

Iron sheet room construction

I intend buy quarry dust for making building blocks.this will help me in building a permanent house.
Thank you for your assistance

Toasted bread snacks

Thank you very much for the trust that has been given to me, I will use the funding assistance that has been provided for purchases including additional capital assets such as raw materials in the form of stock of bread, jam and cheese. Then additional stock for packaging includes paper boxes, plastic wrap. With the additional capital provided, it really helps to develop the business because at the moment I am constrained by capital to increase stock of goods, so far I have been shopping for limited stock of goods and in the end a lot of time is wasted because the turnover of goods is disrupted by a shortage of stock (when there are events it often happens). the goods run out first) I am very grateful to the funders and I promise to maintain the commitment and trust that has been given, hopefully this can provide positive things. May the donors be given health and abundant sustenance by GOD/ALLAH SWT. Once again, thank you very much and hopefully we can help each other and work together in the future. Thank you

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Terima kasih banyak atas kepercayaan yang telah di berikan kepada saya,bantuan pendanaan yang telah di berikan akan saya gunakan untuk pembelian di antaranya penambahan aset modal seperti bahan baku berupa stok roti,selai,keju.
Kemudian penambahan stok untuk packaging di antaranya box kertas,bungkus plastik.
Dengan penambahan modal yang diberikan sangat membantu untuk mengembangan usaha karena pada saat ini saya terkendala dari modal untuk penambahan stok barang,selama ini saya melakukan pembelanjaan stok barang terbatas dan akhirnya banyak waktu terbuang karena perputaran barang terganggu oleh kekurangan stok barang(saat ada acara sering kali barang habis duluan)
Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada para pendana dan saya berjanji akan menjaga komitmen dan kepercayaan yang telah di berikan,semoga hal ini dapat memberikan hal positive.
Semoga para pemberi dana di berikan kesehatan dan rizki yang melimpah oleh TUHAN/ALLAH SWT.
Sekali lagi terima kasih banyak dan semoga kita dapat saling membantu dan bekerja sama untuk ke depanya.
Hatur nuhun

Material procurement

Hello dear lenders and happy new year to you all.. 2023 was a relatively tough year in Kenya but I thank God and the Zidisha family for making me able to pursue my project. Prices of stuff sky rocketed and ordinary loans wete unaffordable. I am forever grateful for Zidisha family because they gave me a cusion that is unmatched. I was able to buy some refurbished mabatis 7@1000 each, nails and barbed wire to repair the coup. The repair took abit long because of the heavy rains which could start very early. The festivities also ate into out time. The place is now ready. I am moving the chics this week after their 2nd vaccine. The el nino rains have also subsided and my chics can now play outside in good sunshine. I am so thankful to my lendets for making this possible. Thanks so much and God bless you.

Peas farming

Thanks so much my backers. I was able to get a popcorn machine and increase my revenue streams.

New business of selling fresh drinking water

Thank you so much Zipporah, Terence, Jimmy and Benedict for funding my project. With these funds, I will buy maize seedlings so that I can plant them. After the harvest, I will be able to sell the maize and get funds to plough 2 more acres of land. Thank you once again for making my project possible with your assistance. I hope to assist others after the harvest.

Grocery shop stock

Am so grateful to my backers, the suppprt they have given me has changed face of my grocery. Missing stocks in my shop, is now available and my grocery shop is expanding. Thank you so my backers I hope you will support me once again.

Grocery shop stock

I did purchase a number of of grocery stock items especially stock that was out of stock and demand was very high. I made have a great difference out of the loan because there is now customer attraction and traffic as a result am generating good income every day hence business has improved.The profit earnings I have used them for reinvestment to grow the businesss and improving the living standard home.
Thank you my backers for supporting me.

School fees

Hello lenders, thank you for your unwavering support you gave me, I was able to clear fees for my child and that enabled him to do well in school.

Dairy farming school project phase 2

This is the cow I bought with te funds raised. Thanks so much.

Dairy farming school project phase 2

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the members who have funded the dairy farming school project. You have made our dream come true. I will buy one incalf cow to provide for milk for the pupils. The milk will also be sold to the community and the money we get will be used to subsidise school fees for the vulnerable children and school development. May God bless you all abundantly.

Day care

Thanks for fundraising for my project. I will use the amount for buying school equipment such as chairs and playing equipments.
By having enough chairs will increase number of kids attending school and playing equipment will motivate kids to attend school everyday and this will reduce school dropouts.
Again, I appreciate and thank you all who contributed for this project I promise to make wonders and I will share some picture of how I utilize the amount. Thanks

Davi's poultry farming

I thank God, I am continuing the project well and making returns as early as possible, as long as the project is in good condition , I use the weekends to take the chickens out of the shed so as to be able to clean the shed. Thank you very much.

Farm management

My dear lenders, i was able to plant my maize, beans and pawpaws.
They're doing well in their 2 months' growth.
Thank you so much my dear lenders.

Pharmacy stock

The cyber and chemist has enabled me to complete my medical course in clinical medicine and surgery as a medical assistant. I further wish to persue as physician and employ more individuals and further boost societal development

Calamansi orange plantation and provision of organic fertilizer

Thanks to Zidisha and my supporters, currently our fertilizer sales have increased and our gardens have also expanded the number of orange plants to support the production of delicious orange drinks. Hopefully this upcoming funding can increase production results and raw material efficiency, so that profit margins increase. Thank You

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Terima kasih kepada zidisha Dan para pendukung saya, pada saat ini penjualan pupuk kami meningkat Dan juga perluasan kebun kami akan jumlah tanaman jeruk untuk mendukung jumlah produksi minuman asri buah jeruk. Semoga pendanaan yang akan datang ini dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi Dan efisensin bahan Baku, sehingga margin keuntungan semakin meningkat. Terima kasih

Tomatoes farming

Thank you so much for the noble job of funding my project .This amount will be used to expand my production. I intent to buy buileing materials for the greenhouse .
1. I will buy building post
2. Plastic for the green house
3. Timber for the structure
4.Net for ventilation
5. Manure
6.Water Tank
With the materials I will be able to build a 11m by 22m green house .

Material procurement

Hello Zidisha family. I am so grateful dear members who funded my project for believing in me. Now I will be able to buy iron sheets, chicken wire, nails and be able to pay my fundi to repair the chicken coop. My chicks will be able to have a good home to aid in their growth and reproduction. This will help me and increase my production and later, capital. I cant wait to refurbish the coop and breed my stock in a safe and healthy environment. Thankyou so much for making this possible. God bless you


Day care

Good luck to you Romana. The kids are the treasures of the future!

Application for a loan for processing beverage and snacks

I have also managed to buy fresh fruit juice packaging and add some products from the store So it has increased my income and satisfied the needs of my customers.

The profit made through the products I added has helped me to add other small products that are needed again.

My family benefits because something they see has increased from my shop to meeting some of the needs here at home

I really wish this Christmas and New Year holidays that I get money that will help me spend in having fun with my family like eating and drinking well, having memories and going out if possible Thank you


Thank you so much all members who make our project becoming possible and powerful, we will use the money careful to succeed a project interm of increasing of buying plastic material in order to maximize production and continue to open a centers for plastic collection aim to increase an opportunity to a community.

Dairy farming school project phase 2

Hello to my Backers. I thank all for your support to help the school purchase a water storage tank. The tank is already installed and we managed to harvest water. When the school opens in January, there will be plenty of water for cooking, drinking and cleaning. May you all be blessed abundantly.

Water tank to increase water reserves

Thank you for funding my project, As I said am doing nursery farming.
My project will improve because I will buy a water tank.
This tank will help me to have water reserve then my crop will get enough water all time Then I will produce quality product . Also I will increase area of production.
This will make me to get enough money to help my family in food availability buying clothes and to help people who is near to me for those who has special needs.
Thanks all people who maid this project possible my God bless them.
I will let you know who my project is proceeding.

Farming inputs

i have benefited alot from zidisha my earnings have made me build a structure of my own the one i can call home reason being i was able to increase my profits and to add on i have created my self a job of my own because with the capital i was able to do business the capital has grown in that i always want to be busy working with it
thanks to zidisha atlest am not the idol mind.

Calamansi orange plantation and provision of organic fertilizer

Thank you to Mrs Lilian, Mr. Josep, Mr Novi and Mr Jimmy. We are developing fertilizer sales and also applying it to our fruit orchards, namely orange orchards. The oranges we produce are ready-to-drink juice and pure juice. Hopefully our efforts and those of all our friends will be smoother and more successful, aamiin. Success also to Zidisha who has built and developed this crowd funding program. Thank You

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Terima ksh kepada Mrs Lilian, Mr. Josep, Mr Novi and Mr Jimmy. Kami mengembangkan penjualan pupuk Dan juga mengaplikasikan di kebun buah kami, yaitu kebun jeruk. Jeruk yang kami hasilkan menjadi juice siap minum Dan pure juice. Semoga usaha kami Dan teman-teman semua semakinlancar Dan sukses, aamiin. Sukses juga utk Zidisha yang telah membangun Dan mengembangkan program crowd funding ini. Terima kasih

Children's education costs

Thank you, with financial assistance from supporters, my children are still able to receive an education.

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Terima kasih, dengan jalan bantuan dana dari para pendukunh, anak anak saya sampai sekarang masih dapat mengenyam pendidikan.

Buy and install automatic chicken drinkers

My family and team are very grateful for the huge support we have received from all our 7 funders from different parts of the world. It's a remarkable show of confidence in our growing business and a genuine desire from all you for us to succeed.
We commit to keep working very hard and growing our business as we provide more employment opportunities and better, healthier and cleaner vegetables to our growing customers.

Joseph and team!

School fees

This is to thank zidisha organisation for the support they have accorded me in the various projects. You made it easier for me when I felt like my world was crumbling, when it was so difficult for me to meet my needs. Zidisha funded my project which has been supporting me and also am able to educate my son.
To continue supporting my project rights now am in need of a laptop since the one I have been using broke down. Hence if I will receive the funds i will be able to buy a laptop that I need urgently.
Once again thanks so much for your support and trust.

Mattress replacement

Thanks alot to all my backers I am so grateful for the financial assistance you gave me of $2000, this amount helped me to put tiles in all the bathrooms in my hotel this has really uplifted the face of my rooms this making it easy to clean and save time, now guests are enjoying their stay and now pay $20 per night from $10, I really thank you all for making it possible for us, we can now enjoy going for holiday with my family it is really paying off.


very good work... with a $ 14 project you can generate 2x profits/100% profit. with capital of $14 I started opening a coffee shop and it was very busy. Come on, hurry up and join in investing with me through the Zidisha project... don't be late and regret it later...

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very good work... with a $ 14 project you can generate 2x profits/100% profit. with capital of $14 I started opening a coffee shop and it was very busy. Come on, hurry up and join in investing with me through the Zidisha project... don't be late and regret it later...

Bale of blankets, ladies jackets & cold season clothing

I bought a 2 bales of blankets, ladies jackets and summer time clothing. As a result of this I making good income revenue for the business. The business is growing steadily and has brought a big difference because of your support my lenders. My business stabilizing well and my family is having a good stable and three meal per day. When I generate some good money am planning to organise a trip to the Victoria falls in Livingstone. Thank you so much my lenders for supporting me.

Yogurt milk processing and packaging

I would like to give my thanks again for your support
Now am at the good Position because I bought many packages which helping me for package more products hence make easy availability of goods at exactly time

Also through your fund now am at the good level of supplying products since I have good package which is safe.
Also my benefits starting increasing compared to the benefits before the support from you.
Through my business now am able to assist my youngest to pay some bills in their studies for sure am happy for this and wishing you all the best.

Stock increase for sales of drugs at my pharmacy

My Stock as per now, of how far you have taken me , and am still aiming higher, with your help in funding, al be well.

Adding more classrooms to our school

I will construct more classes.this will help me to have more space and accommodate more pupils.i am very grateful and thank all members May God bless u all.

Tezah juice

As a fresh fruit juice vendor, I will use this amount of money to buy a freezer which will help me in preservation of my fresh fruits which i will blend to produce smoothies and fresh juice. This will reduce the perishables from going bad before and after preparation of juice.
To each one of you that stretched your hand to help me put my dreams into reality may everything you touch turn into gold, i promise to diligently carry out the project and grow bigger to become an industry of juice production.
Blessings to you all, i'm eternally thankful and indebted .

Poultry forming

Today in my work, I am transporting maize to my store

Wedding decoration service

Dear leader my previous loan was a great success. It really helped me a lot to improve my wedding decorations services. With your efforts my dream is steadily becoming a reality. The standard of living for family and children is also improving because support.
My humble request to my current loan, is requesting to support me once to accelerate my business project to another level as we approach the festive season.Thank you so much

Buy and install automatic chicken drinkers

We have had very good and exciting progress in the last 3 months. Despite the heavy rains that have made working in the open fields more difficult we have achieved the following;
1. We harvested 1.5 tones of onions that we sold out directly to retail customers over the months of September and October. We made close to 90 retail customers that loved our " farm to kitchen" model.

2. We are expecting to harvest close to 6000 cabbages in the next 2 weeks and we are just as excited to sell them all out.

3.We still have onions in the farm that we shall be harvesting within the next two weeks and a ready retail market for them.

4. We have a relatively good harvest of potatoes.

Diversfying my boutique

I used the funds raised through Zidisha to expand my boutique by including men's wear and children's wear. My clients have increased and I am now able to take care of the daily needs of my family. My boutique is doing great and has boosted me a lot and enabled me to enrol in an online marketing course to boost my skills and sales. December and new celebrations always attract the highest number of sales and I am looking forward to boosting my stock. Thank you for your support and for making a great difference in my life.

Yogurt milk processing and packaging

I would like to give my thanks to my supporters actually am proceeding well with my business from your fund now am at a good position , firstly I started with registration of business name legally in the government of Tanzania, now the name of my business known as STEP BY STEP ENTERPRISES, which deals with Processing and packaging..also am producing the logo and stickers which help me to give out the information to neighbors customers apart from home neighbors.

Frenkius Brasio Christian
Thank for your funds

Attached the image of my packages observed and the sticker which show the name registered business with the location of business as well as showing what I produce to customers.

More stock for my provision shop

Once I receive the funds I will the money to buy a new sewing machine,then the remaining to buy some thread and needles,to use in my tailoring shop.
This will in turn increase the amount of jobs I do because i will employ one person to assist me at the shop.
This will in turn increase my profits and help me support my family.
Thank you very much for funding my project,I'm so greatful to all of you.

Grocery retail shop

I really appreciate your support, I really treasure it, it has indeed changed the level where my business was and at least my family can afford three meals at the moment. May God richly bless you.

School fee for our boy

I am very grateful for funding my project,my wife stated he small business and she is really helpful,she some time even pay the rent when I have not gotten any job.
I used to strangle alot but, become I used to do everything alone.
again I got some tools from the funding you gave me and now I just hire a few things whenever I have a job.
Thanks very much and God bless you reachly.