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Add stock of electronics and electronicals tools

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurKimutaiLocationOlchore, Kenya
Project status
26%paid forward

My name is Kiplangat Barchok.I was born in the year 1981 at cheboin village.I grew up at cheboin village or community till I completed my primary and secondary education.I am the first born in my family of seven siblings.I am married and blessed with four children two boys and two girls.I started my education in 1987 at cheboin nursery school for 2 years till 1988 and joined cheboin primary school for standard one in the year 1999 till 2006 in standard eight and later joined Tenwek Boys High school in 2007 for 4 years till 2010.After Secondary school I also joined Moi university where I studied bachelor in electrical engineering.

About my life

During my education I came many challenges because I came from humble background.When I joined secondary school I used to go school once a while because of lack of school fees.My parents were struggling to get school fees for me but it was hard because they had no job,so they had to call for fundraiser which assisted me complete my secondary education and I perform well and joined University where I got sponsored from the government.

Another challenge I went through is that, after completing my education it was hard for me to secure job,I went to many companies searching for jobs but I didn't get because managers were requesting for money to get you job and I didn't have at that time.So I came hom and get married and decided to do farming and start saving some amount of money I got.After a while,we got our first born child.Later when my first child joined school I was not able to save more because I used some amount to pay school fees.


The way I started my business is that because I had saved some amount of capital,I decided that I should have a business which should assist me to feed my family and pay school fees for my children.So since I had knowledge and skills for electrical engineering,I decided that I have to have my own business.I did a research to a place where I will do my business and I found a very good place on a town near Technical school.


Currently I live in lessos town where I am doing my business.I decided to live there so that I can be near to my business.I like the place because it is conducive and my business is running smoothly,and also the place have high market.

My children

I have four children,two boys and two girls.There names are Peter,Ian,Faith and Dorcas respectively according to their birth from firstborn to the lastborn.According to their careers,my Firstborn Peter wants to be engeneer like me,second born Ian want to be a pilot,third born Faith want to be a doctor and my last born Dorcas want to be a teacher.

My hobbies

To me I like visiting the sick, old age people, prisoners,cybercafe and playing music.

My business deals with electronics goods,and I do offer services of wiring.Electronic goods I provide are like wires for wiring,cable wires,sockets,bulbs, extensions and others.

I chose to run this business because I had experience in electrical engineering because I had studied for that career .

I usually balanced the buying and selling of the goods.I make sure that I sells the goods at an affordable price do which I promote my customers and earn a good profit also.

I used my benefits to grow my business allows me to earn more profits, improve my daily living standard,pay school fees for my children, helps orphans,visit sick people, prisoners and old age.


I will use the funds to purchase electronics goods to add stock to my business.I will buy goods like cable wires, pliers, extensions, bulbs,circuit breakers, switches, crimpers, cable ties and other goods.Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to post my request.Regards.