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Buy electronics and electricals tools

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurEmmanuelLocationKilifi, Kenya
Fundraising progress
$49still needed
2days left

My name is Emmanuel Cheruiyot.I was born in the year 1977 from Msabaha village in Malindi.I am coming from the family of five siblings.I am the firstborn in our family.We are three boys and two girls.

I am married and I am the father of four children,three boys and one girl.I also adopted three orphans children from my village, two girls and one boy.Two are persuing their different courses in university and the other is in secondary school.

My home is found in Msabaha village.My house is found near St.Kizito Catholic church opposite Shell filling station Kwa Mumba estates.

I had faced many challenges and hardship in this life.After I completed my education,it was hard for me to secure a job because of corruption in the country, I keep on moving around many companies in searching for a job but they were requesting bribe which I didn't had.Another challenge is that I had start farming but all of a sudden drought came and burnt everything in the shamba,so I loose hope and became desperate until I started going to church where I got alot of advice.

I started my business after I was given support from my church.They organised a fundraising to help me start my business whereby I was able to collect amount of 100000kes which I used them as capital for my business.

Our land has good climate favourable for growing vegetables crops.The weather is good for farming.

I have children who is hard working and so they need good attention from us.All the children I have have good ambition, they need to succeed in life, they want to be doctors, engeneers, teachers, pilots and surveyors.

My favourite hobbies are helping the needy, assisting the sick, visiting prisoners, playing football and swimming.

Business title..........NAFUU ELECTRONICS

My business deals with electrics and electronics goods. I also do offer services of connecting them because it is my career.

The business is very useful and helpful to me because they have high market.The demands is high because every building needs wiring which is my work hence it is giving me more profits.

I choose to run this business because it is my professional career.I had gained knowledge, skills and experience.

The total cost of my business is currently 100000kes which is earning me 9000 per week. I am working hard to attain my target of 200000kes which will earn me a profits of 15000kes per week and keep on improving.

I am aiming higher in order to earn more profits which will help to expand my business, assist more vulnerable families, pay school fees for my children, buy a piece of land and do investments.

This another moment whereby I have to thank all of you members for approving me to join you,I now have hope that my business will grow and earns more in future.I will use the funds to buy more electroniccs and eletricals tools to add stock.Thank you so much