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Buy fertilizers and farm inputs

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurRichardLocationKericho, Kenya
Project status
Pending confirmationby entrepreneur

My name is Richard Langat, I was born at Koru sub location in Kericho county in a village known as Soin.

I was born in a family of four children me as the first born and breadwinner. I lost my mother in the year 2001 when I was in standard four at the age of 10yrs.I was left with my father alone who had no job,and was struggling had to provide us with our needs and pay our school.Me as the firstborn I was left at home to do house chores and prepare food for other siblings while my father go for hustling.

I started my nursery School in the year year 1994 and continue with my education until I completed my secondary education in the year 2008.I later joined Chuka University for Diploma in Agricultural engineering in 2010.

Despite the hardship and Challenges I faced during my education, I also faced another challenge of drought on my farming.When I was pursuing my education,I was being send home most of the time for fees because my father had no enough fees but I struggled hard till I completed my diploma education.

Another challenge I came across is that of drought.After completed my college,I came home and started hustling to meet my needs and to assist other siblings.I was moving around our community searching for any job available know as (kibarua).I did it for some years until my siblings completed education,and that is when I raised some capital to start my own farming of my Career.

In the year 2020, there was a high drought which came and consumed everything in my land,and the drought continue for a long time to which we were not able to plant again until it rains.My business of farming were reduced to some extent.Current,I have erected water irrigation which will assist me during the time of drought.

I started my business in the year 2018.I got my capital from the job I was doing known as (kibarua) and the support from my father.

In our land and culture,the weather warm and wet.The climate is suitable for vegetables farming.In our community we do exchange of vegetables crops and cereals.We do farming of maize, beans, cabbages, sukuma wiki, spinach, onions,bananas and other farmings.

I got married in the year 2022.I am blessed with one child.My firstborn was born in the year 2023.My child want to be a doctor when he grows up.

My hobbies are I like visiting orphans and assisting them because I know the challenges they are facing, visiting the sicks and going to church.

BUSINESS NAME: Kolong Farming

I am working hard and improving to plants many different types of cereals and vegetables.I do currently have maize,beans,bananas, sukuma wiki and cabbages.I do needs to extend my farming to large scale with the help of you.

I am doing this business because it is my career and have experience.I love this business because it is providing me with daily needs.

Currently I do require more capital to boost me in my business.I do need cost of around 50000kes to do land clearance, fencing,buy farm seeds, fertilizers, hire tractor and pay workers.

I am struggling so much in my business to earn more profits to assist me pay school fees for my siblings to further their education, meet my daily needs, assist orphans and vulnerable families and improves my daily standards of living.

I will use the funds to purchase different types of fertilizers and farm inputs.I will buy fertilizers like DAP and top dressing.I will buy seeds like cabbage, tomatoes, onions and peppers.The funds will assist me to buy enough farm inputs.These funds also increase my earnings which will allows me to support my family and community.Thanks