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Generator for my business

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurTerhembaLocationMakurdi, Nigeria
Project status
63%paid forward

I am Agbange Terhemba and i am from Benue state of Nigeria. I am also a graduate of Mass Communication with very strong passion for tailoring and designing.

I am seeking better resources to take this passion to enviable heights. Just making quality clothes has become my true identity and i don't want to lose out on the opportunity to make something special out of this fine skills that i have acquired.

I am a self employed unisex Tailor with about 6 years of professional experience.

Although not yet a registered business, MP Couture is my business name with location in Makurdi, Benue state Nigeria.

Í have faced many challenges establishing a myself to the place I want to be.

I am optimistic about the future that I have in tailoring and have chosen to pursue all avenues that put in me on a competitive stage where i stand as brand.

I will use the funds to procure a generator to provide alternative energy source for my Tailoring business.

This in turn will increase my production hence more income for me to take care of my family and to grow my business.