Have really grown, Born in 1981 in a rural area named Manga scheme in Nyamira county of Nyamira County - Kenya. Married to a lovely and supportive wife Catherine blessed with two Kids, in July 2016 I lost my little sister who had a 8 year old daughter. We decided to take her as our own. Now we are parents to 2 beautiful girls and 1 handsome boy. The girls want to be doctors so we can be treated at home while the boy wants to be a police officer to arrest all those who mistreat the mum.
After my primary and secondary education I joined Thika Institute of technology for a Diploma course in Information technology for three years. I later got a Job and worked for 5 months without pay. But then on a positive side I gained experience on various things (computer repair, networking and installation).
In 2007 a friend loaned me two computers and from savings I started a cyber café which has grown to over 15 computers today.
In March 2014 a friend introduced me to Zidisha and I was awarded 150 dollars, which I brought webcams. My profit margin grew and I got new clients, Have made more friends from my list of clients.
In life have learnt a lot of lessons. Of late my 1st and only employer is one of my best client. Sometimes we Joke how he never paid me even after making alot of profits on installation for him.
At first (2014) my cyber café offered services ranging from provision of internet services, computer services, Networking and installation, Phone application installation and later after receiving loans from zidisha, The cyber is far better then when it started. It now owns a two photocopy machines, Bbetter printers, a digital
camera and a generator machine all brought from funds and interest loaned from Zidisha, the profit margin grows dispute the daily challenges
I hired a 1 acre land for 4 years (starting Jan 2015) at a cost of ksh 7000 per year. in this land have been planting maize and groundnuts and it has an added advantage since i don’t buy maize flour any more (Form the profits i brought building materials).
Have also been paying school fee per year, something that was impossible before.
I started a poultry project which had a few challenges, when I started it was a little hard since I was buying the feedings but since the chickens are laying eggs now I don’t have much problem in feeding them plus am getting eggs for my family and a little. profit to add up to the cyber business.
From the chicken and cyber profits have managed start building my three bed roomed house which is half way (flooring and finishing)
let me start by thanking all my lenders for the trust in funding all my previous loans. Have grown both business and family wise, I never believed i do built a house from the profits from the cyber business.
The funds you gave enabled me start a poultry and farming business. I can proudly say am at a better position than before i joined Zidisha and that is because of my wonderful lenders and the opportunity from zidisha team. THANK YOU.
Have already built a three bed roomed house which is waiting for roofing materials (Iron sheets and timbers)
from this loan i thought using Zidisha loan to do the roofing will be a landmark and life time memory to my family and i of the opportunity i got from Zidisha and the trust i received from my lenders.
Below is my Budget
Iron sheets (Mabati rolling mills) 85 pieces @ $10.5 = 892.50
Timbers (lacking 2500 feets) 25000 ft @$ 0.25 = 625
I plan to use my savings to top-up on the loan to buy timbers and do the finishing.
this project will help in saving more than kshs 12000 ($120) monthly rent. which will be converted to boosting the business.
I can only promise that the trust have received over the years will never be broken. I promise to repay the loan to the fullest.
House roofing materials (timber & iron sheets)
Have really grown, Born in 1981 in a rural area named Manga scheme in Nyamira county of Nyamira County - Kenya. Married to a lovely and supportive wife Catherine blessed with two Kids, in July 2016 I lost my little sister who had a 8 year old daughter. We decided to take her as our own. Now we are parents to 2 beautiful girls and 1 handsome boy. The girls want to be doctors so we can be treated at home while the boy wants to be a police officer to arrest all those who mistreat the mum.
After my primary and secondary education I joined Thika Institute of technology for a Diploma course in Information technology for three years. I later got a Job and worked for 5 months without pay. But then on a positive side I gained experience on various things (computer repair, networking and installation).
In 2007 a friend loaned me two computers and from savings I started a cyber café which has grown to over 15 computers today.
In March 2014 a friend introduced me to Zidisha and I was awarded 150 dollars, which I brought webcams. My profit margin grew and I got new clients, Have made more friends from my list of clients.
In life have learnt a lot of lessons. Of late my 1st and only employer is one of my best client. Sometimes we Joke how he never paid me even after making alot of profits on installation for him.
At first (2014) my cyber café offered services ranging from provision of internet services, computer services, Networking and installation, Phone application installation and later after receiving loans from zidisha, The cyber is far better then when it started. It now owns a two photocopy machines, Bbetter printers, a digital
camera and a generator machine all brought from funds and interest loaned from Zidisha, the profit margin grows dispute the daily challenges
I hired a 1 acre land for 4 years (starting Jan 2015) at a cost of ksh 7000 per year. in this land have been planting maize and groundnuts and it has an added advantage since i don’t buy maize flour any more (Form the profits i brought building materials).
Have also been paying school fee per year, something that was impossible before.
I started a poultry project which had a few challenges, when I started it was a little hard since I was buying the feedings but since the chickens are laying eggs now I don’t have much problem in feeding them plus am getting eggs for my family and a little. profit to add up to the cyber business.
From the chicken and cyber profits have managed start building my three bed roomed house which is half way (flooring and finishing)
let me start by thanking all my lenders for the trust in funding all my previous loans. Have grown both business and family wise, I never believed i do built a house from the profits from the cyber business.
The funds you gave enabled me start a poultry and farming business. I can proudly say am at a better position than before i joined Zidisha and that is because of my wonderful lenders and the opportunity from zidisha team. THANK YOU.
Have already built a three bed roomed house which is waiting for roofing materials (Iron sheets and timbers)
from this loan i thought using Zidisha loan to do the roofing will be a landmark and life time memory to my family and i of the opportunity i got from Zidisha and the trust i received from my lenders.
Below is my Budget
Iron sheets (Mabati rolling mills) 85 pieces @ $10.5 = 892.50
Timbers (lacking 2500 feets) 25000 ft @$ 0.25 = 625
I plan to use my savings to top-up on the loan to buy timbers and do the finishing.
this project will help in saving more than kshs 12000 ($120) monthly rent. which will be converted to boosting the business.
I can only promise that the trust have received over the years will never be broken. I promise to repay the loan to the fullest.