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Mobile phone credit and food shop

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurSuwarniLocationJakarta Timur, Indonesia
Project status
127%paid forward

I was born from a simple family married to a simple man, now I am the wife of 3 children who live in the city of Jakarta ... my husband also does not work because the old workplace is no longer in operation I myself also do not work just a housewife ladder by having a grocery store, selling online Muslim women"s clothing and credit at home that has been run together with her husband since 2010, which is where my next place of business is located in a strategic place on the side of the road and side by side with automotive motorcycles Japan is so big that every day there are always crowded people passing by.

With a credit and payment shop business, you can earn Rp500,000 to Rp1,000,000 in net income without capital, and thanks to the help of Zidisha loans, my income has started to increase, now I earn Rp1,000,000 to Rp1,500,000 a day, that's the fund that I will use to pay off loans at Zidisha, etc., and to buy back stock, because credit, transfers, cash withdrawals and payments are what many people need every day, such as credit, transfers, cash withdrawals, bill payments, etc.

I will use this loan to cover the stock of basic necessities that have run out due to additional orders for the orphanage charity event, used for various types of food items such as 1 crate of chicken eggs Rp. 375,000, cooking oil Rp. 200,000, instant noodles Rp. 200,000, wheat flour Rp. 150,000, sugar Rp. 150,000, I will also add stock to the credit counter such as a credit voucher of Rp. 500,000, I hope this loan can be fully funded by donors so that I can buy all the stock of goods to meet the demand of customers for the orphanage charity event, when my loan is fulfilled, I can profit from the sale of basic necessities such as cooking oil, sugar, instant noodles, wheat flour etc. retail food and groceries to get a net profit of Rp. 300,000 to Rp. 800,000 per day, hopefully this loan can be fully funded so that I can buy the stock of chicken eggs and credit that has run out, I said SUWARNI.