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Poultry farming

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurJosephLocationNakuru, Kenya
Project status
40%paid forward

I am Joe Munyiri, kenyan from egerton njoro, a farmer currently on an active poultry farm set up for eggs and meat* on the other side am also doing sheep farming on a small-scale * I would like to grow and increase my parent stock of poultry from current 300 to 1000* hence reason to look for funding and loans with ofcourse*repayment arrangement * by so doing* I will be helping the community * creating employment both formal and informal * the profit revenues generated from the project shall be ploughed back into the business to diversify in. Numbers hence increase employment opportunities to the community at large.

I am an active farmer in Egerton dealing with sheep and poultry and I also have a small cyber cafe with 5 computers * when I deal with Internet surfing, electronic services, stationery among others. My farm in egerton is a poultry and sheep farm which am planning to make the business grow to increase in size and benefit the society * The idea is to venture indepth with chicken eggs and meat production * hence reason to join zidisha* All my marketing shall be done from my cyber which I use as an outlet and pickup location for my produce.

Will increase number of ornamental birds that I have by hatching fertilized eggs for the same hence creation of a reasonable number of parent stock for future incubations and hatching *BRAHMA chicken is the bird of choice* and Increase number of layers at the farm for a sole of daily eggs sales * By so doing* wealth management is at place* food security oncourse * employment to the community will be ongoing * feeds stores* veterinarians*my farm help will all be economically and financially positively impacted * thus a beneficial project to self and to the community at large * I am also setting up an agribusiness demonstration site for farm visits and poultry trainings .Structures set up underway and ongoing *May require a higher funding *