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Raising money for school fees

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurGraceLocationObambo, Kenya
Project status
Pending confirmationby entrepreneur

I started making shaggy mats last year and so far it's been a thrilling journey. I also want to sell second hand clothes and shoes. The world of business is very challenging and requires a very sharp mind. Business has been slow for the past three months and this has made it difficult for me to make any meaningful progress, but with the patience that my business has taught me, I hope to make it through this difficult season. I have also learnt new things in the process which I hope to pursue to make positive progress.

I began making shaggy mats as a hobby, then later with the money I had acquired from my savings. This started from a simple KES 1000 that I had saved during a very difficult season. I say misfortunes can birth good things. I want to start this clothes business with only a few pieces of clothes. I intend to build it up to a wholesale level. For the shaggy mats, I also want to expand to a wider market as I also train other interested women at a fee.

I will pay for my college fees. I will train on something else that will in time help me to get good employment. This will help me earn more than I do now and I will be a better and more empowered member of the society.