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Food Retail

Rice farming

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurGabrielLocationNairobi, Kenya
Project status
12%paid forward

My name is Gabriel Kariuki,i am a marketer by profession,I hold a masters degree in business administration (operations management option (UON) a bachelor degree in business management- marketing option (MKU) I describe myself as a honest,aggressive & an ambitious person,generally am an achiever.

I come from Kirinyaga county in central KENYA,My constituency Mwea is known for rice production,85% supply of rice in east Africa comes from this region.

Currently in solar lighting business as an LME(last mile entrepreneur).

I have noted that many Kenyans in the village interiors live below the poverty line and can hardly afford to pay for electricity connections in their home.

I note that most of the village dwellers lack information and end up spending a lot on paraffin for lighting which despite having high cost on them its also have health implications.

My main motivation to solar business was triggered by my relentless efforts in advocating for use of green products and the need to embrace the green concept in the community.

I note that solar lamp lighting has no negative implications on the environment in its generation,manufacturing and use and also solar lamps are health conscious to the users unlike normal lanterns which emit a sharp smoke which hurts children eyes when they study and also cause serious chest complications if inhaled for a prolonged period.

Solar lighting provides a long term benefit in a cost effective way.

Recently i introduced energy saving cook stoves to my product line.

I have noted that 90% of Rural homes rely on open fire for their cooking,where research has proved that every home spends between $1.5-2 dollars on firewood daily on their cooking, i noted increase in expenditure/costs on firewood which seems very unfavorable to the rural homes most of whom who leave below poverty line and can hardly bare any further increase on firewood costs.As a way of giving back to the society & caring for the enviroment i decided to introduce the philips energy saving jiko which can reduce the daily spending on firewood for rural homes to costs of between $0.2 to 0.5 dollars daily thus about 80% reduction in costs on firewood.Generally philips jiko uses Biomass i.e dried cow dung,rice husks,wood pellets(complessed sawdust) to burn hence does not rely wholly on firewood.

I note that through the philips Jiko the traditional norm of deforestation by charcoal burners will be reduced by 80% hence benefiting/saving the enviroment.

Also unlike the open fires which pose serious health and safety hazards implications to the Rural homes users ,i note that the Philips energy saving Jiko has an inbuilt fan that blows in air in the jiko thus ensuring complete combustion and eliminating 96% of smoke,this makes the jiko user friendly,safe and healthy to use because unlike the open fire where the user is exposed to smoke which is not healthy and also hazard of open fire has been past associated with burning of houses.With Philips energy saving Jiko all these hazards have been controlled.hence I find the jikos not only effective but also efficient to use interms of cost saving,health, safety but also in saving our enviroment from illegal tree cutting by charcoal burners.

My main selling points is based on emphasis on the benefits thus a cost effective,quality,safety,health and enviromentally friendly products with long term benefits.


I am currently in Rice farming and also i do buy rice for speculation to sell at a profit.

I chose Rice farming because currently the demand for Pishori rice is high than the supply .

My budget for leasing and farming one acre of Rice is ksh 170,000. That involves leasing, farm inputs , labor and harvesting . A good rice project, an acre produces 25 bags.

In a good season one bag of pishori Rice (100KG) sells for between ksh 9000-9500.

I usually use my profits to support my family needs and save little for my children education

I plan to use the funds to facilitate buying farm inputs for my rice farming .

I am looking at using a small portion of the funds to boost my rice buying and selling business.

Currently I am only able to buy & sell 5 bags weekly. My goal is to sell at 20bags weekly in six months to come.

Pishori rice demand has always been high than the supply, I plan to use digital marketing to sell the rice to customers across the country.

My vision is to own a rice Mill and nurture my own rice brand in the next five years.

I am requesting my lenders to support my business and help me actualize on my vision.