More computers & gaming accessories for cybercafé


Kabati, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

January 2014

On-time repayments

254 installments  •  8%

About Me

[shelved for deletion]
Sed commodo nibh urna, non volutpat dui commodo at. Mauris sit amet tellus ac nibh hendrerit dignissim et non elit. Phasellus dapibus, mi eu elementum lacinia, lacus metus molestie sem, nec laoreet leo enim vel mauris. Maecenas consequat lorem sed sapien faucibus maximus. Quisque id elit ornare, malesuada quam at, dignissim est. Maecenas elit erat, blandit a lorem sit amet, vulputate ultrices lorem. Vivamus vestibulum neque a lacinia venenatis. Morbi in mi odio. Vestibulum est libero, congue nec dui eu, consequat aliquet dolor. Pellentesque condimentum rutrum felis. Pellentesque molestie metus sit amet ante ornare, non tempus felis pretium. Vivamus dolor ipsum, pretium at convallis vel, dignissim nec quam. Nam convallis lacus erat, in elementum nunc auctor posuere. Nullam magna nisl, iaculis ac dui non, fermentum scelerisque dui. Etiam quis fermentum ipsum, eget aliquam justo. Donec facilisis eu elit pulvinar elementum.

My Business

[shelved for deletion]
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc pellentesque pulvinar dui, vel imperdiet justo viverra sit amet. Nullam vel dolor in ante pretium egestas et ut est. Mauris vehicula sapien auctor, aliquam lectus sed, ornare nisl. Sed viverra ex vitae ultricies venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque scelerisque nibh sit amet turpis pharetra, sed egestas mauris facilisis. Mauris ut nisl cursus sapien viverra sagittis. Nunc vitae posuere erat. Sed rutrum ipsum dui, non pellentesque nulla pellentesque id.

Loan Proposal

I am midway in realizing my long-term goal of acquiring a full cybercafé shop with all the essential services inclusive. I already have one computer which I use to offer gaming services as well as general computer services. I used the first loan on upgrading the computer to higher specifications. Towards the realization of my main objective I thus require funds to help stock up on more computer systems. With my current credit limit I will purchase a refurbished CPU system that goes at an average of USD 73.7728 and a 17” TFT Screen monitor that goes for USD 68.0980 as well as buy more computer accessories and video games for my current gaming services business






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 26, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

59 months

Other loans




Inden, Switzerland


Sarasota, Fl, United States



Perth, Australia

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