A loan to finance my masters degree


Meru, Kenya

13% repaid




Member since

January 2015

On-time repayments

244 installments  •  34%

About Me

I am Gideon Wanjohi Ndegwa , 31 yrs of age , male by sex. I come from a humble background.My parents practice farming.
My education was faced with challenges to poor background.I was forced to work part time jobs and attend classes at the same time. Thanks to zidisha i was able to borrow two loans which have played a significant part in my economic empowerment.
My has has been full of challenges and was forced to take an academic leave of two semester when i was pursuing my undergraduate degree. I started my business through the help and mentor ship of zidisha. I reside in kenya and currently people have embraced western culture and entertainment. I like reading , watching movies, traveling and swimming during my leisure time

My Business

Thanks to zidisha loan i have been able to open up a new business. I opened up a movie business in Nairobi Embakasi area along north airport road. I sell movies and entertainment materials. The profit accrued from the business has enabled me to register for my masters degree (masters of arts in international relations and diplomacy. Kenyans currently are watching movies and i decided to open a movie shop. The typical cost are electricity, rent,materials, licenses and transport.

Loan Proposal

I will buy a desktop and tft. The desktop will cost about 100 dollars and tft 80 dollars. This will help expanding the business. The desktop and tft will help to serve more customers faster and efficiently. This will result to winning more customer trust and loyalty. I estimate to raise the profit of 10 dollars a day.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 20, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

52 months



Paul Graham

United States

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