A loan to replenish my phone-accessories shop


Akwadum, Ghana

23% repaid




Member since

November 2016

On-time repayments

40 installments  •  23%

About Me

I am called Enock Asare. And i own a mobile phone Accessories shop in Akwadum.
I am married with 2 children . I had little education both in basic level and senior high school. It is much of this education that has really given me a sense of right proportion in reasoning and in planing towards my business.

I had also had much in-sight from my father and senior brothers who have also been in similar business field and making their daily bread. My business was crowned by a donor support from an NGO and that also really help me in starting these phones accessories shop.

My Business

Today, I am the full owner of this mobile phones Accessories shop in town. Initially i stock my shop with much accessories but currently after selling much of these items i had not been able to replenish my stock as demand leading to a complete stock out.

This was followed by the disaster,[ the Flood] that hit my area. So i had to wait for the flood to stop before i could re order. Whiles waiting for these it has led to a slow down in my business because some accessories were not found upon request.

I need to put up an immediate loan to help replenish h up my Accessories shop. My lenders help me.

Loan Proposal

I will used this funds to replenish my phone accessories shop to help meet the request of my clients.

Kindly help me my lenders.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 21, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

9 months




Ohio, United States

Fox Family

Costa Rica

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