A modern printer epson 800


Luanda, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

May 2016

On-time repayments

237 installments  •  47%

About Me

my name is andrew andera Govan i live in western Kenya .
i am quite ambitious and hard working person .
i grew up in a remote part of western kenya near the very hilly sections of maseno where actually nothing grew. i was raised by my grandmother as i had no parents and that is where the seed for business entrepreneurship germinated
my grandmother sold vegetables from our little farm and all the proceeds went to my primary school education leaving us with nothing to eat and i endured endles nights without food. when she passed on i had to fend for my self and i started poutlry farming at a small scale. i did this for a quite along time when diseases one day swept all my flock and i started from scratch . but at least the busness saw me through college.
by that time i had developed passion fr computers and with the coming of mobile phones in Kenya i made myself small a software engeneer solving all maner of mobile phones issues. i expanded my workshop to include a computer photocopier and currently i have 4 laptops in which i carry out outsourcing where i do back office work for individuals.
this work has come to be my bread basket

entrepreneurship has been on my mind for quite along time and frankly i would like to get into big business i have seen a lot of my friends and relatives rise with their startups turning them into empires.

My Business

my business is what you can all multi disciplinary its a workshop that practically solves problems with mobile phones laptops and computer repair and maintenance in atypical day we usually have minimum of 10 clients which brings in a total of 1000 per day or more. we also do type setting sales of mobile phone and accessories so a typical working day is busy.
me and my partner run the business .
in our short term proposal we would like to buy a new printer than can enable us print photos do high quality wedding and events cards. actually we are targeting Epson 700 or 800 currently retailing at about 40,000 ksh . there is a great demand for this services in the area the current printer hp 2600 does the same but at a very slow speed and poor quality and many at times we have lost work due to large volumes which we cant deliver with he current printer
thats my propasal for now

Loan Proposal

my business is what you can call multi disciplinary its a workshop that practically solves problems with mobile phones laptops and computer repair and maintenance in atypical day we usually have minimum of 10 clients which brings in a total of 1000 per day or more. we also do type setting sales of mobile phone and accessories so a typical working day is busy.
me and my partner run the business .
in our short term proposal we would like to buy a new printer than can enable us print photos do high quality wedding and events cards. actually we are targeting Epson 700 or 800 currently retailing at about 40,000 ksh . there is a great demand for this services in the area the current printer hp 2600 does the same but at a very slow speed and poor quality and many at times we have lost work due to large volumes which we cant deliver with the current printer
thats my propasal for now





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 12, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

24 months

Other loans


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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