A shoe shiner place for the community


Nairobi, Kenya

5% repaid




Member since

March 2014

On-time repayments

277 installments  •  3%

About Me

My name is Odhiambo Marvin Robert from Kenya. I am a university student at the university of Nairobi, Kenya. I am an aspiring entrepreneur as well. Currently i have a few pigs i rare for sale when mature at a profit. I also want to establish a shoe shinning place where i live. The road is a dirt road and most people normally carry wet clothes with them on weekdays to dust their shoes before boarding the 'matatus' to work or school. Given the population here, i would say this is a good business opportunity. I ask for you support as i believe it will yield a good return. Your contribution toward this project will be greatly appreciated.
I went to school i Zambia up to the sixth form level after which i came back to join the university in Kenya. I was at Chengelo international school in Zambia.
This is a great opportunity to develop my business interests. i would be grateful for the help

My Business

Currently i am running a small scale pig business. I buy piglets from farmers and rare them till maturity. I normally sell to the pig slaughter house that is nearby after about five months for some profit.
I buy the piglets at roughly 17 dollars each and sell them after five months for about 90 dollars each.
I want to start another business, a shoe shining place for the locals. The current road leading to the bus terminal is a dirt road. During the rainy seasons its muddy and during the dry season its dusty. At the moment most people carry a piece of cloth to wipe off their shoes at the bus terminal. I am sure a shoe shiner place here will be a good business.
I am hoping to use this weekly earning to pay the debt. I estimate the weekly earning to be about 16 dollars. The place will coast a total 400 dollars roughly to set up. I plan to add to the borrowings i get from here to my savings for start up capital. I believe your contribution will be a win-win situation for both parties. I will be grateful for the help

Loan Proposal

Hello prospective lenders, greetings. Mine is an idea of a shoe shiners place for my community. I would like to set up a shoe shiners place near the bus terminal that will allow my people to 'dust up' before boarding the bus to their respective destinations, be it to work or school or to a date!
With the money, i will set up a stall and buy the necessary stock for my business. Stock such as shoe brushes and different colors of polish. I already have two workers ready to help with this business. i will pay them standardized weekly wages. This in total should cost roughly 400 dollars to start up. I will add to my savings the money you lend me to make up this amount.
The amount i am looking for now is 150 dollars. I will be grateful if you can help me make this amount. This is a viable business idea with a potential for good returns. Given the population numbers in my community i would say there is demand. This business will be the first of its kind in the area. I am sure i will be able to payback the loan in good time should you chose to lend me you money. THANK YOU in advance.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 14, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

64 months



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