A water pump for my farm


Nairobi, Kenya

25% repaid




Member since

December 2014

On-time repayments

216 installments  •  12%

About Me

I was born in Nairobi i went to school here as well i was mostly raised by my mother who did whatever she had to get me to go school, Part of my fees was paid by the church, i remember while growing up, every Sunday we would all go to a center in the neighbor where well wishers would give us bread ,milk and invite us for lunch,All my life i grew up without the luxury of electricity, TV or a modern house the only house we would afford was a house built with mad,In high school i used to work in the school as kitchen cleaner so that i could get food in return , my mother couldn't afford.

My Business

My business involves whole selling of Potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages, carrots and i do have a farm where i grow these crops,i have hired a farm in limuru, In kangemi people have families and they buy things in small quantities, i whole sell to the small business people who have roadside kiosks in the slum, they are in business because of the population that comes day in day out,and i am in business for the same reason, my business has gotten me this far. i live on it and send my daughter to school via this,and i earn my living on this business.In the future i want have the capacity to supply in Nairobi as region.

Loan Proposal

I would want to stop hiring or borrowing a pump machine due to climatic change, its more sunny than ever we cant predict the rain anymore, slowly people are like me who are farmers they are moving to irrigation methods which requires one to have a water pump machine, which i want to buy for my farm it goes for 13500 kshs, with this machine i will stop using money to hire a machine and i will irrigate anytime of the day and for as long as i want to, the expectation is that i will do my flower and vegetable business around the year.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 25, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

44 months

Other loans


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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