Acquiring physical shop and smart phone


Nairobi, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

July 2023

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  38%

About Me

I was born and raised in Nairobi. My early childhood we lived in the low income area of Dandora. The crime rate in that location was very high and most young people either engaged in drugs or became thugs. My mom was a stay at home mom. My dad struggled to make ends meet as he was the sole bread winner for both our family and his siblings. Eventually we were able to relocate to Umoja 2 which was a bit better in terms of environment and security. Having lost most of my friends to crime I had no option but to work hard so that I do not walk that same path. I managed to do very well in my academics and I was able to go to university and earned a Bachelor's degree in Communication. I have always been very entrepreneurial in life. This is because I have always pictured myself improving the standard o living for my children and my mother who is a single mom after my dad passed on due to liver complication. I have very ambitious children and that is my biggest motivation every day.

My Business

I run a business where i sell affordable thrift clothes for children and ladies shoes imported from China. I started an online shop known as Totooutfits. When i became a mom, I realized that most low income parents were not able to afford getting decent clothing for their children because the prices were too high. That's how my business idea was born out of a gap I saw in my country. The business picked up very well in the beginning as I started during the covid pandemic season. I used to get many orders from Facebook. I decided to focus my sales on that platform using my page (@Totooufits). Of late we are experiencing a lot of scammers online and therefore most people are not able to trust a business that has no physical location. Therefore, the funding I seek is to open a physical shop so that I can increase my sales which have really gone down of late. I have an idea to open one of a kind kids thrift and ladies shoe shop that has not been seen in my country Kenya. Increased income will ensure my children do not have to experience the lifestyle I did as I will be economically enabled.

Project Proposal

I intend to rent a physical shop and smart phone for my business in which I will sell affordable and quality kids thrifts from UK and ladies shoes imported from China. This will increase my credibility as now people can come and pick their items from the shop without the fear of being scammed. My expectation is my profit margin will increase up to 50% with proper sales and marketing. With increased the profits, I also intend to expand and start selling affordable diapers as I have realized a very wide gap in this business in my previous interactions with fellow mothers. This will bring an increase in my profits and help me create a consistent flow of income. I have also wanted to do a community project that will help me give back to the community. I desire to have community engagements with young mothers and empower them to enter the business space by giving them business ideas that do not require a lot of capital to start. And also highlight to them power of social media in today's business so that they can also use it as a tool. Finally, every once in a month I want to be donating diapers to a few needy mothers as this has become a very important necessity in raising children and most of them cannot afford.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 11, 2023

Other projects


Diane U

Olympia, Wa, Usa, United States


Mombasa, Kenya

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