Member since
September 2016
On-time repayments
207 installments • 72%
I am a married woman and a mother to a baby girl . I was born in a family of three and being the firstborn, life wasn’t easy for us. I schooled in Gicobo primary and later joined Othaya girls high school. I later joined college and my parents did their best and saw me through my diploma course in business administration. Being business minded while in college, I would put aside apart of my pocket money as saving to start secondhand cloths business after college to help in improving financial standard of my family. I was finally able to startup a small business of selling second hand clothes which has been growing quite well with time. Since the time I joined Zidisha my life has changed in many aspects because I have been able to stabilize my business as well as live a much better life than I used to.
Being business minded while in college, I would put aside apart of my pocket money as saving to start secondhand cloths business after college. I was finally able to startup a small business of selling second hand clothes which has been growing quite well with time. Zidisha has been my source odf support in making my business what it is today. For my first and second loans I used the fund to add more stock and reinvested the profit I got back into the business. This has helped in growing my clientele thus making my clothes business reliable.for my just completed loan, I used the profit together some savings to venture into typing and printing business which I can say is pick up well. I thank the Zidisha team for entrusting their funds to me and uplifting my living standard and that of my family.
i will utilize the fund to buy new stock in my store ...hence my second hand clothes will be more to attrack more clients,thereby by growth of my busines will be steady highy.
I will buy one bale ksh 3500 this will add more clients In my business since I will be able to get more customers an sell to them ,Also since the weatherknow more customers will come the moment they see new stock, i am also pretty sure of making at least good the profit .
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 17, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
11 months
Other loans
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