Another shop so that i can reinvest in another business


Berekum, Ghana

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $106 goal


days left




Member since

August 2016

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is After Yeboah Richmond.A native of Berekum in the suntan municipality.I am 28 years of age.i am the 2nd child of my parents,the only boy and three other sisters.We liJamdede a suburb of Berekum.
I started my education in the jadede L/A primary and junior high and complete d in the 2008/2009 academic year.l furthered my education in the Kumasi senior high school and also completed in the 2011/2012 academic year.l am currently holding my 4year diploma in education at the Berekum college of education by distance learning,which is taken on Saturdays and Sundays only.
As a child of a typical Ghanaian farmers , sometimes I found it very difficult to survive in both school and at home.sometimes money to pay my school fees and my bills was even a big when I completed my senior high education,i got myself a job which I was working for one company in the town.I started saving some amount of money,and with the help of my best friend Rev.Gyedu Augustine and God,i was able to accumulate some amount which I decided to set my own business with it.I was then that I realized I could do this business to overcome the challenges and hardship I was facing in life.
With the little i raised I rented a shop in the area and started doing something.i started this business with the help of my elder sister helping me in the aspect of the home goods.
Normally in the typical Ghanaian society,people do take interest in farming.But ever since I started this business is been a wonderful patronage from my society.They have showed great interest in business . since my village is a typical Ghanaian society,they speak the Ghanaian language with farming as their main occupation.Actually they were not interested in educationa ,but for now , they have shown interest in every aspect of education which has indeed improve d the living standards of my community.Due to the intensity of my advertisement they have come to realize the importance of my goods and the services I render.
Actually I have only one son who is 5 years of some always show interest in business entrepreneurship as very key way to succeed in life.As a father I have noticed him very well and known him to be a great business man when he grows.i will also try my possible best to encourage him as to the right channel he passes through.
I am a man of music.i started doing music when I was a small boy.indeed that is my greatest hobby I have experienced.I remember when I experienced my hobby to the fullest was when I mounted the stage to display my talent on the show your talent festival which was held not long ago in the Berekum municipal.Indeed singing has been my greatest hobby ever

My Business

My business is a day to day activity.I starts on 8am in the morning and closes at5pm in the evening from Monday to Friday. My business is located in the Berekum munipalimunipal.I t is based on the continent road opposite Berekum Chelsea Secretariat.
my businesses is of two categories. I renderbanking services to my people.thus I do MTN Mobile money,Vodafone cash,Airtel money and Togo cash.i also register sim cards ,sell credit cards and also sell sim cards as well.the second aspect of my business deals with provision of home goods and services .I do home goods like television sets,computers etc.i do this business with the first one under the same roof.
My goods and services that u provide help very well especially in my community.the mini banking services makes it very much easier for daily transactions being it morning or evening and even sometimes night.the home goods also helps in the relaxation of the people in the helps us get easy access to news and current affairs that is going on the country.also it enhances your happiness when you are at your leisure time.
I chose this kind of business because I saw the need for our day to day activities especially in the banking services.At first to get access to the bank was a very big will have to board a taxi to go to town before you get access to the bank.i therefore realized that this will be of great importance to us.T his business is a profit oriented businesses in that though I don't get a higher profit I have never run a loss.n normally at every month at least I get close to 700GHS as profit of my business.Because the home goods provision is not a very active businesses the profits some times vary.

My profits are decided in two for my education .I use som e of the profits to pay my fees and buy some petty things that will help my tuition.i also uses some to take care of the family members. My son's school fees and the total out keep of the family.The second aspect is to reinvest in other business and also to improve current business.currently I am setting the same type of business in one of the town's in Berekum.i have also invested in my current business and with the look of things is in good shape.

Loan Proposal

I wish to apply for this loan as a member of Need this hloan to improve my business standard and to help the entire community.
I want purchase a new shop and brand it the same as I am already working in.
I have 250GHS to pay for the shop and 70GHS in the branding of it.I will also have to purchased a sim card ,an office table which will also cost me 100GHS.Alrady I have been able to raise some amount of money but it will not be sufficient for the above things I gave mentioned.i will therefore need this loan to help me do this .
If I achieve this goal it will go a very long way to help me in my education and also my little family . creating a new business business will definitely raise my profits to help me pay my school fees and to take care of my child so that he doesn't go wayward in order for him to become a prominent person in life.This loan will help me improve the living standards of me and my family.Also it will help me stretch my hand to the poor and the needy in the society so that some of us will not become a burden to the society.
As a business man I have come to realize the importance of stretching my business to increase my profit .This loan will help raise my profit from 700GHS to 1500GHS per month all things being equal.i am expy my profit to raise to this level because I have done a survey in the area of my new business and saw the eagerness of them patronizing my services I will render to them.Also in the survey I found that there was only one type of my business around that area ,and even that is very far away from the people.
In short I will say this loan will raise my profit from 700GHS to 1500GHS per month and this will indeed help me and the society as a whole.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 6, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

6 weeks



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Agyei a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Daniel    Nov 16, 2016

    Zidisha Team,

    Please I have tried for the past 4 weeks without success to get to Agyei Nyarko but to no avail. The number does not go through. The assigned reference contact can't also be reach.

    Daniel Kpodovia

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  • Daniel    Oct 3, 2016

    After a lenghty discusion with him, Richmond claims he travelled and left his retail business in the care of his brother but upon his return, he realised the business has been mismanaged. He has promise start payment by monday 10/10/2016

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  • Agyei    Aug 30, 2016

    I reallly do appreciate my lenders for granting me this loan.l thank them a lot and pray that God in heaven blesses thbusin
    I will purchase a new shop to start another business with it .
    This loan will actually help me with my dream of expanding my business.i pray that it works out the way it has been panned.
    Again I will really thank my lenders very much for such a great opportunity they have given me.

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