
Dakar, Senegal

$404 to go

0% funded of $404 goal


days left

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Member since

July 2010

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  100%

About Me

I was born on July 3rd, 1974 in Coki, in the Louga region. I am married and the mother of two. I am a nutrionist and I supervise preschoolers at a private school. I am also president of our neighborhood’s women’s association. An orphan, I pay for my brothers and sisters’ education. For the last three years, we’ve been living under the constant threat of flooding.

My Business

Our women’s association has established a food supply store to allow those who are mothers of families with husbands unable to support them, to buy rice, cooking oil, soap, powdered milk, butter or cheese - each according to her needs. At the end of each month, we collectively pay for our expenditures from the food supply store using our personal incomes and those of our husbands. The profits generated from this business allows us to increase our line of credit from our supplier and thereby increase the volume of our business.

Loan Proposal

Avec l’argent que vous allez nous prêter, ( 200 000 frs) nous souhaitons renforcer notre commerce de denrées alimentaires pour répondre à la demande sans cesse croissante de femmes qui veulent comme nous appuyer leur mari pour joindre les deux bouts car leur maigre revenues ou salaires ne peuvent nous permettre de boucler les fins de mois.

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About Me

A propos de ma vie : je suis né le 03 juillet 1974 à Coki, Région de Louga. Sénégalaise, je suis mariée et mère de deux (2) enfants. Je travaille nutritionniste et monitrice de préscolaire dans une école privée. Je suis présidente d’un groupement féminin dans un quartier. Je suis orpheline de père et de mère. Et je m’occupe de l’éducation de mes frères et sœurs avec lesquels je vis. Ces trois (3) dernières années, nous vivons dans des situations précaires avec les inondations qui sont récurrentes.

My Business

A propos de votre business : Au sein de notre groupement, nous avons mis en place un magasin de denrées alimentaires pour permettre à nos différents membres qui sont des mères de famille dont les revenues des maris sont faibles voire inexistants de contribuer à l’amélioration de notre vécu quotidien en prenant du riz, de l’huile, du savon, du lait en poudre, beurre ou fromage. Chacune selon ses besoins. A la fin du mois avec nos revenues et ce que nos maris apportent nous remboursons le montant correspondant aux denrées de première nécessité demandées par chacune d’entre nous. Les bénéfices générés par ce commerce nous permettent d’augmenter notre capital crédit auprès de notre fournisseur et augmenter le volume de notre commerce.

Loan Proposal

Avec l’argent que vous allez nous prêter, ( 200 000 frs) nous souhaitons renforcer notre commerce de denrées alimentaires pour répondre à la demande sans cesse croissante de femmes qui veulent comme nous appuyer leur mari pour joindre les deux bouts car leur maigre revenues ou salaires ne peuvent nous permettre de boucler les fins de mois.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Still needed


Application expires

Aug 18, 2010

Projected term

11 months

Other loans

Ask Fama a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • cperkins    Jun 24, 2011

    Hi, my name is Clarissa and I'm the Communications Associate for Zidisha.

    I talked to Fama recently and she said that her daughter is sick which makes it hard to go the local cyber cafe. The unpredictable "coupures," or power cuts, are daily and regularly last between four and eight hours, which also makes it hard to plan when to go to the cafe! The good news is that her business is doing well. She is excited that her loan is almost finished and is contemplating taking out a second.

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  • Fama    Oct 1, 2010

    Hello lenders, I hope you are all doing well.
    The day after the Korite, there was a lot of rain in our neighborhood and our veranda was full of water. I had to buy sand, cement and hire workers to fix the house. Now, the house is doing much better and we can work there and even hold our meetings.

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  • smonroe    Sep 6, 2010

    This morning I visited Fama Gaye's house and met her partners at the association she runs. I also had the opportunity to watch Fama manage her association and make errands around the neighborhood. Below are photos of Fama managing, discussing and dispersing funds with one of her partners. We also met up with Abdulrahman, one of her main retailers. Finally, we visited her association's temporary headquarters, locate in her neighbor's courtyard because Fama's is flooded.

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  • Fama    Sep 6, 2010

    Every year we endure flooding. Steve and I had to enter the house through the window because the front door is flooded.

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  • Fama    Sep 6, 2010

    I am really very happy for what you have loaned to me because you have seen my situation. You have done a lot for me and I hope my business goes farther, one day owning a large store to get out of these difficult times. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God protect you and give you a long life, health of iron and that you achieve prosperity.

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  • smonroe    Aug 11, 2010

    Even with Ramadan beginning tomorrow, Fama Gaye still found time to stop by the office this morning and talk about her business and the association she chairs.

    Business Plan

    As president of a woman’s association, Fama Gaye is the first Zidisha client to solicit a loan for an entire group. Put simply, Fama’s association mirrors a food bank. Customers from across the neighborhood meet at Fama’s house on the 5th of each month to order indispensable goods like powered milk, cooking oil or rice. Later that evening, Fama and her associates, with the help of a horse drawn chariot, buy these goods from retailers. They save money by buying in bulk. The following morning, Fama delivers these products to her customers, with the expectation that she will be paid back, with interest, on the following 5th of the next month. Fama chose the 5th strategically because most Senegalese receive their monthly salaries on the 1st of every month.
    Fama and three friends founded the association in 2002 to help many of their neighbors face the burdens of living in Dakar’s Medina Gonass suburb. Floods plague her neighborhood (see photos of her living room below) and many of the residents there simply don’t have the means or access to basic goods. Fama Gaye’s association serves to collect these goods and resell them to her neighbors through more affordable transactions. Thus despite operating in one of Dakar’s poorest suburbs, and lacking the means to effectively store goods, the association has provided Fama’s neighborhood with access to these indispensable goods since 2002.
    This eight-year existence testifies to Fama Gaye’s management and leadership abilities as president. Fama foresaw the potential and need for her association in Medina Gonass. When asked whether her neighbors found it odd that a woman would start an association and lead a business, she replied “absolutely not”. In fact, many of the neighborhood’s men, her husband included, were very supportive of this endeavor. As president, Fama insures that her association always has enough liquidity to buy products by tightly bargaining and regulating spending, and by making sure that a flat sum of their profits is placed in the association’s fund. Fama Gaye can also be firm when necessary. If customers are unable to pay on time, they are fined and deprived of her association’s services the debt is paid off. Once all costs and fines are paid, Fame and her three associates divide their profits equally.

    Use of Loan

    Like many other Zidisha clients, Fama’s business promotes her community’s well being while remaining profitable, and thus self-sustaining. Fama will use Zidisha’s loan to expand operations and provide her services of greater access to basic goods to more customers throughout her neighborhood. On a personal note, Fama will use the profits derived from this loan to support her siblings and reinforce her house against flooding.

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  • smonroe    Aug 5, 2010

    Fama forwarded me these photos of her house after flooding last year.

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  • Fama    Aug 4, 2010

    I am living under difficult conditions. My mother passed away in April of 2001 and my dad died in 1996. I live with my 2 brothers and four sisters. I have a daughter and a son. These last three years (2007 - 2008 - 2009) we've been living precariously. Our house is perpetually prone to flooding. I don't yet have the means to stop the flooding. With Zidisha's loan, I will earn enough money to build up our house.

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  • Fama    Aug 4, 2010

    Hi, my name is Fama Gaya and I'm very happy to see this site Zidisha. He really taught me how to use the site. I will pay back the loan, inchallah (good willing), allah al akbar (god is great).

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