Member since
January 2018
On-time repayments
39 installments • 64%
Hey y'all..
My name is Annred Njagi..
I'm a stay at home mom
and I love it.
It took me a long time to finish school because of lack of school fees but I eventually finished. ..My girl is grown now... she took the picture.
Now that I have sometime in my hand.. I'm looking to venture into forex trading.. something I can easily do from the comfort of my home
I have recently moved from the city to the countryside.
I have started a small hardware shop
I sell paint and finishing accessories including iron sheets
I'd like to complement my current stock to include cement and nails..
All assistance is highly appreciated
Thank you in advance
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 11, 2024
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