Hospital costs


Banten, Indonesia


$0 to go

100% funded of $13 goal


days left




Member since

July 2018

On-time repayments

2 installments  •  100%

About Me

Syahina Paulina, my first child from 3 siblings ... my school went to class, until finally I graduated from college in 2005 with very satisfying grades. I married in 2007, and I have 3 children.

My Business

I worked in a mega bank since 2011 in March, to date. if you are short of money, usually I look for sense to get money from selling credit. borrow in this z, to add to the cost of medical treatment for children. treatment can reimburst or change from the office but must use their own money first

Loan Proposal

Will be used to increase the cost of medical treatment for children to the hospital. my son is sick hot. already from a week ago. and have to have a blood test. within one week the funds from the office will be disbursed and I will return the funds from Z.

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About Me

sy nina paulina, sy anak pertama dari 3 bersaudara.. sy sekolah slalu naik kelas, hingga akhirnya lulus kuliah S1 dithn 2005 dg nilai yg sangat memuaskan. sy menikah dithn 2007, dan mwmiliki 3 org anak.

My Business

sy bekerja di bank mega sejak thn 2011 bulan maret, sampai saat ini. kalau kekurangan uang biasanya sy mencari akal untuk mendapatkan uang dr jual pulsa. sy pinjam di z ini, untuk tambah biaya pengobatan anak. pengobatan dapat reimburst atau ganti dari kantor tp harus menggunakan uang sendiri dulu

Loan Proposal

Akan digunakan untuk menambah biaya berobat anak ke rumah sakit. anak sy sedang sakit panas turu. sudah dari seminggu yang lalu. dan harus test darah. dalam waktu satu minggu dana dari kantor akan cair kembali dan sy akan kembalikan dana dari Z.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • Nina    Aug 2, 2018

    Thank God thank you for being given trust to sy to give pjnjaman to sy. Sy has received a loan of 27,185 idr. Sy is going to the hospital as soon as possible. Once lg big thanks

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