Broiler farming


Siakago Embu, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2015

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  33%

About Me

my father became incapacitated by stroke while i was in primary school and my mother was left to fed for the family and through my high school life.

I knew I had to take a brave approach to life.

life was not easy as during the weekend and holidays worked for casual jobs in the neighbors farms to supplement the little my mother could manage to raise. after high school, I passed very well but life was not merciful on me.

I got into casual jobs in construction sites and later my uncle who stayed in Nairobi asked me to join his family and would sponsor me to attend a course. since i didn't perform poorly in business and agriculture subjects i chose accounting. i didn't know after the 1st semester he would lose his job and i dropped out of college.

i thought of the next move forward as giving up in the city and knowing that the village had no life for me, i decided to go back to the college director and asked him if he could take me as college cleaner and be remunerated in the form of attending the lectures(though he called my uncle to confirm it) he obliged. after years of tarmacking in search of a job after college, i applied for a job in a company and i was taken as an accounts assistant.
I am in accounting department and I have a passion in business.

My Business

I have since learned that in my area demand for single rentals is plummeting I need to change my model to longvtern sustainable moves that guarantees me payoffs on fixed timelines.

I have decided to get bricks to minimize on cost and I need cement for lintel.

I have an old peugeot to get Sand , gravel and general construction transport and this I able to save and invest in finishing and nice interiors.

Loan Proposal

I rear provide poultry- both broilers and indigenous breeds. The products are in demand because they are foodstuffs. In 6 weeks the units are ready for sale so building a stock over a time to sell even every week is possible and that's my goal as proved by the spacious house i have erected only that finances are an issues. Cost of producing one broiler chicken is 310 KES and sales price fluctuates as poultry market is affected greatly by forces of demand and supply. on average 280/kg. i sell at 1.5 kg dead weight after slaughter - 1.5x300=450 KES and an av. profit of 140 KES per bird.

For now i am into expansion and when i get to build up, i could be educating the less fortunate because i got a lot i owe humanity. At the background is the poultry structure for broilers; there is another one for the indigenous birds. i took the photo in desperation after most of the birds died due to promised funding that was never to be. Kindly be my shoulder to lean on. My family salute you for your kind consideration of giving us a lease of life. THANK YOU.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 26, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Sterling, United States


Bob Fitzjohn

Fontvielle, Monaco, Yemen



London, United Kingdom


United States


United Kingdom


Matt Willis

United States


Woudrichem, United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States


Los Angeles, United States





Marissa Fiore

United States

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