Open a new branch for my ice


Blitar, Indonesia

95% repaid




Member since

March 2017

On-time repayments

29 installments  •  86%

About Me

I am from an ordinary family of children of a driver and seller of snacks, I used to live a simple life, do not have a tv if you see tv must ride neighbors or Sodara, and even then sometimes deliberately turned off the same who had a tv and I came home crying, Junior naek bike secondhand gift of sodara, if bike broken I ride my friend passing front house, enter my high school naek angkot.

My Business

I am selling chocolate ice, my source of income from the sale of chocolate ice, for the daily needs, the cost of school children, living the parents. I want to apply for a loan for additional capital so my business can be big, I also want to add variety

Loan Proposal

If I get a loan from zidizha I have a dream to open a new branch of My Nyoklat ice in a new place, in a new place, and I have a plan to hire people to work on my chocolate ice, in the new place and the old one, there is time with family, also can help reduce unemployment, so hope of me from applying this loan hopefully can be accepted and so consideration and attention, thank you ..

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah dari keluarga yang biasa saja anak seorang sopir dan penjual makanan kecil,saya terbiasa hidup sederhana,tidak punya tv kalaupun lihat tv harus numpang dirumh tetangga atau sodara,itupun kadang dengan sengaja dimatikan sama yang punya tv dan saya pulang sambil menangis,saya sekolah SMP naek sepeda bekas pemberian sodara,kalau sepeda rusak saya numpang teman yg lewat depan rumah,masuk SMA saya naek angkot.

My Business

Saya jualan es coklat,sumber penghasilan saya dari hasil jualan es coklat,untuk kebutuhan sehari hari,biaya anak sekolah,menghidupi orang tua. Saya ingin mengajukan pinjaman untuk modal tambahan agar usaha saya bisa besar, saya juga ingin nambah variasi

Loan Proposal

Kalo saya mendapat pinjaman dari zidizha saya mempunyai impian untuk membuka cabang baru es Nyoklat saya di tempat laen,di tempat yang baru, dan saya punya rencana untuk memperkerjakan orang untuk bekerja menunggu es nyoklat saya, di tempat yang baru tersebut dan yang lama, sehingga saya ada waktu bersama keluarga, juga bisa membantu mengurangi penggangguran,demikian harapan saya dari mengajukan pinjaman ini semoga bisa di terima dan jadi pertimbangan dan perhatian, terimakasih..





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 29, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week




United States

Ask Eka a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Oct 30, 2017


Fully repaid

Installment amount


Next installment

Nov 6, 2017

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 6, 2017 $1.42 Oct 30, 2017 $1.35
