Member since
March 2020
On-time repayments
12 installments • 33%
my name AKINPELU Akintayo Babalola. a skilled , versatile and a proprietor of Dynasty Empire. I finished my primary school in year 1989, I proceeded to secondary school in the year 1990. I finished my secondary school certificate course in the year 1995/96. I proceeded to tertiary institutions and finally went for my service in year 2005. I established the private school in the year 2014.
I'm into school business. The school was acquired in 2014 with 8 pupils in attendance. The school has been financed by personal savings and friends and family. Presently the population is going to hundred. So there's need for huge amount of money to be involved in order to push the population forward. The standard of the school also needs to be review.
The loan will be used to develop my business. The business needs to have enough cash to run the day to day operations and maintenance of the standard. This will also bring more viable customers.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 21, 2020
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
4 weeks
Other loans
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